Chapt31--- Luke's "Prank"??

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Today was the day of Luke's family Picnic. I was scared. I don't really know anybody from his family.

I chose a dark blue knee length dress. I put on some black spandex underneath, a black bandana, and black converse.

I looked okay. I straightened my hair, winged my eyeliner, and did my mascara. I did just a bit of nude eyeshadow, and a nude pink lipstick.

I walked downstairs and Luke saw me. "Fuck that's today!" He said. He ran to his room and changed.

I laughed. "Of course he forgot." I whispered.

Luke came back out fully dressed, serious height in his hair, and ripped skinny black jeans.

I smiled at him. "You look nice." I said. He nodded and kissed my forehead.

"You look gorgeously beautifully amazing nice." Luke chuckled. "If that makes any sense?" He asked.

"Nope." I said. "We're leaving!" I said.

"Bye!" Ashton said.

We walked out of the house and to the car. Luke drove us to his mums.

I'm freaking out.


"Hi mum!" Luke said. His mum squealed.

"Luke!" She exclaimed. "Who's this?" She asked pointing to me.

I blushed and hid behind Luke. "This is Jasmine. Ashton's little sister.. And my girlfriend." Luke said happily. "She's kinda shy..." He trailed his voice. He turned to me.

He mouthed 'Its okay' to me. I slowly stepped from behind him. "Hello Jasmine! I'm Liz, Lukes mum!" The woman said. I nodded.

"I-Im Jasmine Irwin." I said, shakily. I really hoped they like me.

"Don't be scared dear! I don't bite!" Liz laughed. I chuckled.

"Who's there Liz?" A man called out.

"Luke and his girlfriend!" His mum answered. I shook my head.

"What's wrong?" Luke asked.

"I'm scared they won't like me." I said. He laughed.

"They won't like you." He said. I gasped. "They'll adore you."

He leaned in and gently placed his lips on mine. I kissed back. He pulled away and just pecked my lips. I smiled.

"Who's this woman?" A man asked.

"Hey dad. And this is my girlfriend Jasmine, and you know more about her family than you think." Luke chuckled. His dad looked puzzled.

"What?" His dad asked.

"Im A-Ashton's little sister. I'm Jasmine Irwin." I said. He smiled.

"Ahh! An Irwin!" The man laughed.


"Come on in!" His mum said.

We walked in, with our hands intertwined. A boy about Luke's age ran in. "Show me his- Whoa." The boy said. "Luke who's this?"

"This is Jasmine, my girlfriend." Luke smiled. The boy began to laugh.

"HAHAHAHA! YOU have a GIRLFRIEND! Haha nice prank Luke! Really, who are you?" The boy asked me. I sighed.

"I am Jasmine Irwin. Luke's girlfriend. I'm not kidding.. I'm serious." I said softly. The boy laughed.

"Aww! She's a shy little girl! Or do mommy and daddy tell you not to talk to strangers?" The boy mocked a child's voice. I froze.

"Don't talk about her parents." Luke growled. I put a hand on his chest.

"Stop." I said. "It's fine." I spoke.

"Aww! She's not your girlfriend she's your undercover bodyguard! I knew it!" The boy cackled.

"Well you clearly don't know anything." I mumbled. Luke chuckled.

"Lets go see some if my cousins." Luke said. I nodded. I held tightly onto his hand, not daring to let go.

"Hi Luke!" A blonde said. She saw me. "You finally caught a fish!" She exclaimed. "Hi! I'm Sam."

"I'm Jasmine." I said, hesitantly.

"So? What's it like dating Luke?" A girl with brown hair asked.

"Amazingly perfect." I said.

"Nothing's ever perfect! Didn't you dump him like five times?" A boy with blonde hair said.

"She had very good reasons. I also dumped her once!" Luke said.

"This isn't going so well." I said to Luke. He nodded.

"I'm sorry." He said. We walked to a couch, we sat down, and Luke put his head in his hands. "I shouldn't have brought you." He said.

"Shut up! I'm fine. I-"

"No your not."

"How would you know?"

"I can see it. Your eyes don't sparkle, you scrunch up your nose a few times, and you slightly smile. I can tell." Luke said. I smiled.

"I love you." I said.

"I love you." He said.

He placed a hand on my waist. I rested my hands on his chest. He softly pressed his lips go mine. I felt so many sparks it was unbelievable.

I kissed back, and he smiled. He slowly pull back. I poked his lip ring. "Stop!" He laughed.

"Noooo! It's cute!" I giggled.

"I'm gonna go to the bathroom." Luke said standing up.

"I'm gonna stay here." I laughed.

About a minute later a girl approached me. "Luke's really uneasy about you. He had a girlfriend about two years ago named Aleisha. She was his dream girl. She dumped him and he's in the edge about dating, I'd watch out if I were you!" The girl said and ran away.

Huh. Luke's uneasy about dating and about me? Hah. Great.

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