Chapt7--- Im Not Going

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"Luke we have to talk." I said to him. The happiness suddenly died in his eyes. I felt tears fall.

I was bawling my eyes out. "W-We have to break u-up." I forced the ugly words out of my mouth.

"What? Why!" He said, he didn't believe me.

"Because I can't go on tour with you and I'm not dealing with a long distance relationship. I just can't." I said. Luke shook his head.

"No! No please! No!" He was crying. I ran out of his room. I ran past everyone.

Minutes later Ashton came into my room. "What happened?" He asked, holding me close to him.

"I broke up with Luke. I'm not going on tour with you guys, I have to finish school." I said. Ashton nodded.

"It sucks. You guys were perfect. I was actually just starting to like the couple." He admitted.

"Well lets get you guys to that plane." I said. Ashton smiled.

The car ride to the airport was quiet. When we got there, we all filed into the airport. I hugged Michael. "Bye buddy." I said.

"I'll miss you." He replied.

Next was Calum. I hugged him. "Bye Cal." I said.

Ashton held his arms out. "Bye Ashton, I love you." I whispered.

Luke was next. I looked at him. He just walked away. I grabbed his wrist and pulled him back. I threw my arms around him, and just sobbed. I felt so bad about not telling him why.

"I'm gonna miss you." He finally said.

"I'm gonna miss you!" I said, and he pulled back.

"Please tell me your not gonna go to Drake." He said.

"No. I'm not. It's for school. And I'll be waiting right here in a year. I promise." I said. He smiled.

"But Luke... I hate you." I said. He smiled.

"You love me."

"No. I hate you." I said, smiling.

Our lips connected. I pulled away after a few seconds. "You remember?" I asked. He nodded.

"How could I forget?" Luke asked.

"5 Seconds Of Summer." A man said. He was taking them to their plane.

"Bye Luke. I love you." I said.

"I love you. Bye Jasmine." He said. He walked away. And as soon as I saw them go into this one room, I saw in the window. Luke was bawling his eyes out. His hands were gripping his hair, and he was crying.

I started to cry. I was sobbing now. Luke looked up and saw me. I got up and ran.

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