Chapt20--- Foooooood

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"NANDOS!" I screamed. I jumped into Luke's arms, he caught me with one arm around me, and a hand on my thigh.

I was tilted to the side, so my crotch was in his hip, and he seemed to be enjoying it a bit too much

"I dare you guys to walk in like that." Ashton laughed. I nodded.

"No." Luke said. "Get down." He said.

I gave him the puppy dog eyes. "Oh lord," he said.

"Luke?" I asked. He sighed.


"Can you pwetty pwease cawwy me in?" I asked like a baby. He rolled his eyes. He muttered something.

"Why do you have to be so DAMN CUTE!" He said. "Fine! I'll carry you in." Luke caved. I screamed.

"Yay!!!" I clapped my hands an Luke smiled. I kissed the corner of his mouth. His face dropped.

"Lets just go eat." Luke said.

We walked in and an old couple saw us. "Excuse me?" The old woman asked. "Young man, I would like to talk to you!" She said to Luke. "Keep ahold of this young lady. You guys are only teenagers, and be like One Direction and live while your young,"

"Young lady, when this young man asked you to marry him, how did he say it?" The old man asked me.

I noticed I had a regular ring on my ring finger, with my birthstone on it. I gasped. "Um. He told me how much I meant to him, and then he just asked. I couldn't say no, and I would have to be crazy to say Im not in love with him." I answered. Luke's mouth dropped open.

"I-" Luke stuttered.

"We have to go, but you look exactly the way we did when we were younger." The woman said as she left.

"Get down, please?" Luke said, with sort of an attitude.

I got down and rolled my eyes. "I'm not feeling to well, Ashton. I'm gonna walk home." I said. He nodded.

"See ya later Jaz." Everyone said. Luke seemed annoyed with me.

I sighed and walked home in silence. Why would Luke be so annoyed with me? Did I do anything wrong? I don't think I did.

Maybe he's just in a mood. Everyone has those days, right? I'm not quite sure, Luke's always happy.

"Oh my god!" A girl screamed. She ran up to me. "Your Jasmine Irwin!"

"Haha yeah I am." I said.

"I wouldn't laugh. You should just go kill yourself. Stealing Luke from every girl. Ashton doesn't even like you. Nor Michael or Calum. Haven't you seem the trending hashtags about you?" The girl said and walked away.

I stood there in defeat. I shook it off and walked home.

I got home and pulled out my phone. I looked on twitter. #jasmineirwinshouldcommit was trending on twitter. So many people hated me for dating Luke.

No. Luke doesn't think Im using him to get fame right? I don't need to! My brother is Ashton Irwin. I'm just his little sister! Fame practically runs in my family.

"Oh FUCK me!" I said. I heard a door close. "Hello?"

"It's just me." Luke said.

"Oh." I answered.

"Y-Your on twitter?" He asked.

I quickly turned my phone off. "Yeah, I was gonna send out a tweet to do a follow spree but you came in. I'll just do it later." I said, avoiding any cute things I wanted to say.

"Cool." He said, avoiding contact with me.

"L-Luke? Are you okay?" I asked. He nodded.

"Oh yeah. Just fine. Why?" Luke asked me. I shrugged.

"I dunno. You just seemed annoyed with me earlier, that's why I left the restaurant. I didn't want to bother you." I said. Luke laughed.

"Not everything in my life is about you, Jasmine." He laughed. "Such a funny little girl." Luke spat.

I sensed the tone in his voice. "Wanna tell me why your being such a dick?"

"Wanna tell me why your being such a sensitive bitch?" He asked me.

My mouth dropped. "No, Jasmine I-"

"Save it, Lucas!" I said. I walked to my room.

I took my hand mirror and threw it across the room. It hit my closet door and shattered.

I heard Ashton ask Luke why I haven't answered any of his texts.

"I- I fucked up Ashton." Luke said.


"I cheated on Jasmine."

Princess// Luke Hemmings FanFictionWhere stories live. Discover now