Chapt25--- Break Away

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I stood there looking up at Luke for a good five minutes. "Jasmine, I-"

"No. No it's fine. I should have know you were over me. I'm all good. I'll get over it... I think." I said. I turned and walked away.

I suddenly was yanked back, and Luke's lips crashed onto mine. I couldn't help but kiss back. He pushed me against a tree, deepening the kiss.

His hands never left my waist. He was lightly pushing my waist up against the tree. I heard the guys speak.

"Ashton.. Your not seriously going to send her away right? Neither of them know." Michael said.

"I have to. It's not for me it's for the band." Ashton said.

I broke away from the kiss. Luke looked at me like he did something wrong. "I- I can't." Was all I said.

"Shit she heard me." Ashton said.

I looked Luke in his eyes. "You can't what?" He asked.

"I can't go through this again. What's going to happen is we get together then Ashton drops a bomb on us. He's going to send me away. I just heard him say it." I said. Tears were welling my eyes.

I walked away. "Don't cry. Don't cry!" I said.

I sat in my room with my guitar.

"The smell of your skin, lingers, on me now

I gotta flight back to my hometown

Fairy tales don't always have a happy ending do they?"

I was strumming the guitar furiously, until a string snapped.

It was the thinnest string. It snapped and cut my wrist.

I ran downstairs with blood pouring out. I grabbed a bunch of paper towels. Luke saw me. "What happened?" He asked worried.

"My guitar string snapped, I- it's nothing!" I said. He shook his head.

"Lemme help-"

"No." A voice said.

Ashton stood there. "Haven't you helped enough?" He asked.

I walked away. The tears just turned into anger.

I screamed and kicked my door shut.

I locked the door. "She's doing something she-"

"No. I trust her." Luke said. "I'm gonna go make sure her wrist is okay."

I unlocked the door and opened it. Luke was just about to knock. "Oh. Hey. Is your wrist okay?" He asked.

"It's fine." I said.


Her makeup was in ruins. She had black lines of mascara and eyeliner down her face. The perfect cat eye she had drooped down. Her glittery black smokey eyes were now faint.

Her beautiful green eyes were puffy and reddened. I frowned.

"I didn't mean your wrist." I said. "I meant Are YOU okay?"

"Yeah. I'm fine." She said. She smiled sweetly.

"Wipe that fake smile off your face. I know your not okay." I said. Tears clouded up her eyes.

"I-I'm perfectly fine." She said. She looked away.

"Jasmine. I know you better than anyone else. You need someone right now. A friend, a best friend.."

"No." She said. "I need a Luke Hemmings." She said letting her tears fall down her beautiful face.

I walked to her bed and layed down on it. She wasted no time cuddling up to me. She bawled her eyes out onto my white shirt. She pulled her head back.

"I'm gonna ruin your shirt." She said, with her lip trembling.

"It's okay, but lets get your makeup of baby. It's completely ruined. And... You look much better without it." I said, softly. I saw a soft smile appear, but them disappear. She got up and went to her makeup table, which had her makeup neatly across it. She began to wipe off the makeup she had on her face. She stopped crying.

I felt like crying too. She felt this bad. But why? She has such an amazing life!

Maybe there's something Im missing. "What are you thinking about?" She asked. I smiled.

"Only my princess. Jasmine Irwin." I said. She smiled and looked to the floor. I tilted her head up. "Hey... Look at me." I whispered.

She looked up at me, and the first thing I saw were her lips. Her soft, tiny, pink, plump lips. I bit my lip ring.

I looked her in the eyes. She wasn't looking at me, she was gazing at my lip ring. I smiled like an idiot.

I used my thumb and my forefinger to guide her face up, making her stand up. I leaned down, and she leaned up.

Our lips gently pressed against one another's, and it was magic. She grabbed my shirt. We backed up until she was against a wall.

My hands never left her waist. I was lightly pushing her against the wall. I pulled back for air. I kissed the corner of her mouth, then her cheek, then her neck. I began to leave light, soft kisses around her neck. A barely audible moan escaped her tiny lips.

Jasmines hand was lightly tugging on my hair. I groaned lightly. She but her lip.

"I would attempt to take you right here and now.. But I couldn't." I said.

"What? Why not!" She complained.

"Because you need comfort not sex or love. And your an emotional wreck, I just want to be the builder." I said.

"Well, you built me first.. But like shit. Because Im broken." She said.

"I remember the blueprints." I said. She looked to the ground.

"Do you? Do you really?" She asked.

About ten minutes of silence went by, and I pursed my lips. "Want to go to sleep?" I asked. She nodded.

"Can we go to your room?" She asked quietly. I nodded.

She changed into sweatpants, one of my shirts, and he hair was in a bun.

We walked downstairs. "Luke did you fix her?" Michael asked.

"Almost." She said. I looked down at her. She just walked into my room.

I followed behind her, and closed my door. I pulled my shirt over my head as tossed it to my floor. I hoped onto my bed, while she carefully placed herself next to me, and layed her head on my bare chest.

"You gotta clean this room, Lucas." She said. She hasn't said my full name since... I don't know, maybe before the tour?

"Yeah yeah, Irwin. I do what I can." I said. She giggled. I kissed her cheek. She went dead silent.

"I don't want to be a burden on you. I'm just gonna-" she began getting up. I quickly room her hand.

"No. Stay?" I asked. She smiled.


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