Chapt6--- Memories

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"Oh my god Luke! I hate you!" I looked into his blue eyes. He smirked.

"You love me." He said. Luke was being a total bothersome.

"No. I hate you!" I said again. He looked straight into my eyes. He leaned into me a bit, I leaned in too.

Our lips connected, and it was magical. I've liked him since.

That was our first kiss when we were thirteen. We haven't talked about it since. Luke was embarrassed, but I liked it. There was also, our second kiss. When we were fifteen.

"Jasmine, have you seen my black nirvana shirt?" Luke asked. I shook my head. He laughed. "Your wearing my shirt." He said.

"Oh well." I said, doubting he would do anything.

He ran up to me. "Give me my shirt." He demanded. I shook my head.

He smirked. He crashed our lips together, knowing I would be shocked after. His hands were on my waist. My hands were on his bare chest.

Our lips moved in sync with millions of fireworks booming. He took my hands an pinned me against the wall.

He pulled back an removed my his shirt from my body. He winked at me and walked out of the room.

Yeah, I was always confused. The only reason I remember these is because Ashton has to tell Luke something.

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