Chapt11--- Defense

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"Why didn't she beat her?!" Calum asked. Ashton groaned.

"For the first fight my sisters been in she did well. But she could have beat the hell out of Corina." Ashton said.

"I think Corina's gonna stay away from Luke." Michael said.

"No. Jasmine told her that she could have me. Something's wrong." Luke said. You think?

Corina was the girl Drake cheated on me with.

Corina texted me. 'Im outside, and Luke and I are dating.'

"THAT SLUT!" I screamed. I ran outside.

There stood five girls and Drake. "Bring it, Asshole." I said.

The girls began to attack me. I hit one in the face as the other in the throat.

One down, four to go.

One jumped on my back. I swung her around and she hit another girl.

Three down.. Two to go.

I kicked one in the stomach and the other I slapped across the face. I saw Lukes face. He was pissed.

I saw him run. He tackled Drake. Luke was beating Drake.

I looked away. "STOP!" Suzanna came over and tackled a blonde, before she hit me with a chair.

I heard Luke scream. "Luke!" I went to the stone stairs. "SLUT!" Was screamed at me.

I turned around and swung my fist at Corina. It knocked her right out.

Suzanna called the cops. I jumped onto Luke. He got off of Drake. Drake got up and pulled out a gun. He grabbed my wrist and pulled me to him.

He held the gun to my head. "Don't move!" I said.

"I'm gonna take this bitch.. She's mine. I'm gonna kill her if you take a step closer." Drake spat.

I heard a thunk. Drake fell back. There stood Ashton, with a chair and tears in his eyes.

"Ash!" I cried out. I hugged him and he dropped the chair.

"Are you okay?!" He asked. I nodded.

The cops came and arrested Corina, Drake, and the five girls who fought me. "We're so sorry 5 Seconds of Summer for all of these wacko fans beating on Luke Hemmings' Girlfriend." A female cop said.

I hugged Luke tightly. I cried into his tank top. He held me tightly to his chest. "I got you baby girl... I got you."

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