Chapt17--- Don't Stop

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"Waaaaake Upppp Jassssminnne!" Luke groaned. I sat up.

"What." I said. He picked me up.

"Get dressed. We have our Don't Stop music vid to shoot." Luke said.

"Oooookay." I yawned. He smiled at me. "What." I said looking at him.

"Your yawn is cute." Luke laughed. I shrugged. I got up.

"Do you want me to not be cute? I can pretend to be Michael." I suggested.

"Hahaha! And no, because you would make that impersonation cute, and I DONT want to think Michael is cute." Luke laughed. Michael burst into the room. He looked at Luke.

"Bish I SESSY!" He said seriously an walked out. Luke and I looked at each other and laughed.

"I'll be back." I said. I ran to the bathroom and hopped into the shower.

Ten minutes later, my chocolate brown locks smelled like raspberries, and Luke loved when I smelled like raspberries.

I wore my orange tank top, my black cardigan, my black leggings and my black combat boots.

I did my usual makeup, a light smokey eye, and my nude pink lipstick.

I ran downstairs and we all piled into the car. "I love you guys." I said.

Nobody answered. We drove for five minutes before Ashton spoke up. "Love you too Jasmine." He said.

Twenty minutes later, we arrived at the shoot. I waited for the guys to get in there costumes.

A pair of black rubbery gloves covered my eyes. "I have silver in my eyes. There's silver in my bones. In my boooones!" Luke said. I laughed.

"Luke Hemmings. Your an idiot!" I laughed. He had black underwear on the outside of his black leggings.

"Dork." He said. I shook my head.

"You got to go fight ninjas. Get out of here." I said.

An hour later, me and the makeup artist became best friends. "I made a superhero costume for you. It's pink and purple. Luke said your name was Jasmine, right?" She asked. I nodded.

"Here, at the end, Luke fights a girl villain, but I have a purple and blue villain costume for you." She said.

I slipped into the purple onesie and the blue corset wrapped around me. They gave me a purple ninja turtle mask, and blue combat boots. We dyed a few streaks of my hair blue and purple with washable dye.

"Thanks Erika! And Luke doesn't know who the girl is fighting him?" I asked.

"Nope!" Erika said popping the "p".

"Perfect. I'm gonna do an American accent just to mess with him." I said.

I looked in the mirror. The suit was tight fitting around my boobs and bum. Luke was gonna like this.

"I told the Director to call you Cassandra." Erika reminded me.

"Lets bring out Luke's opponent?" Te director said. "Cassandra!"

I ran out. "Yes?" I said in an American accent. Luke's eyebrows furrowed.

"This is Luke, this is Cassandra." The director said.

After the whole fighting scene, Luke was standing alone. I ran up to him. "You did good, Hemmings." I said.

"You too, Cassandra." He said.

I stood in front of him. I crashed our lips together. He pushed me off. "I have a girlfriend!" He said. I laughed.

"Luke!" I said, without the accent, in my normal Australian accent. I took off my mask.

His eyes went wide. "Jasmine?!" He said. "I fought you?" He said.

I nodded. "Yeah. Now I gotta go change. This onesie really makes me feel kinda exposed." I said.

"No! We are all going to go around town and pretending to be legit superheroes!" Luke said. I laughed.

Four hours later, we were running around town. "ASHTON'S THERE'S ANOTHER BIG ASS CAT!" I shouted.

A woman stared at me. "Hello. I'm Jaz-Waz. I make people have to pee Like so." I said. Luke, Ashton, Michael, an Calum ran up to me. "I NEED TO PEEEEEE!" Luke screamed.

The woman looked at me weirdly and ran off. "What did you say to her?" Luke asked. I laughed like hell.

"I told her, my name, was, Jaz-Waz ad I make, people have to pee!" I was hysterical. Luke sighed.

"Well someone's tired." Ashton said. Luke picked me up, and we all walked home. I laughed all the way there.

When we got home, I couldn't change because I fell asleep. I heard Luke fumbling threw my clothes.

I felt the corset being taken off, and my mask, and then my onesie.

"Luke are you gonna fuck her while she's sleeping?" Calum laughed.

"Haha very funny. No. I'm just changing her because she's absolutely knocked out! And it would be uncomfortable to sleep in a stretchy suit." He said.

I felt a t-shirt being pulled over my head. "Dammit. I have to move her around too much to put her shorts on. But if I move her too much, she's gonna wake up." Luke said.

"Then don't put shorts on. Why would she care?" Calum said.

"Why are you still here?" Luke asked.

"I wonder the same." Calum said and left the room.

I opened my eyes. "Humohskakenez." I mumbled.

"Hey baby. I changed you because you were asleep, but I didn't put your shorts on because I didn't want to wake you." Luke said softly.

"It's okay. I don't want to wear shorts, I want to sleep." I said. I held my arms out for Luke to pick me up.

He gently walked down the stairs with me, and we passed Ashton. "No bottoms?" He asked.

"Too much movement." Luke said.

"K." Was responded.

I felt myself being placed in a manly smelling bed. It smelled amazing. "A-Are you sniffing my bed?" Luke asked.

"It smells like my boyfriend Luke. He smells amaaaaaazing!" I giggled. I was making no sense at all.

I had no control over what I was saying. "I can't believe I lied to him, I told him that I tried to kill myself because of the interview but I didn't!" I said.

"Then why did you?" Luke asked.

"Because I was being threatened by Drakes brother. Darren. Darren took my virginity toooooo." I admitted. "He forced me to have sex with him while my baby was on tour, or he would hurt me and the guy's careers." I admitted.

I really wanted Luke to be my first, but Darren raped me. "So I wanted to end it. It was either tell Luke and be ashamed of my slutty ways, or kill myself and never talk about it. But Luke fucked that up!" I laughed. "I really do love him, but I can only hear names and bad words from his mouth."

"I started to hear things a few days ago, like how I was an I loyal slut who needed to die, a whore, a skank, but I can't let it happen anymore." I said.

I just kept babbling on and on. "But can you tell Luke something?" I asked.

"What." Luke said, annoyed with me.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry I didn't tell him, Im sorry I lied, I'm sorry! I only ever want him and only him. I might as well break up with him because I don't deserve him. I'm a bad girlfriend. Telling Joe before Luke!" I said.

"Who's Joe?" Luke asked.

"You!" I laughed. "Wait, oh shit your Luke! Did Joe tell you?" I asked. "He will in a bit, but I need sleep. Or I'm gonna be a cranky girl tomorrow!" I said with a childish attitude.

"Love you Lukey!" I said. He pursed his lips and walked out of the room.

I fucked everything up... But I fell asleep.

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