Chapt2--- Luke

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I walked down the cold, rocky road. I looked up to the dark sky. I was freezing, and wet.

I walked into the house. I walked to my room, grabbed some clothes and ran to go take a shower. I bumped into Luke on the way. "I'm really sorry about what happened tonight."

"Don't be." He said. "I slightly sorta got to kiss you, so something good came out of tonight. And your alive, so there a huge plus." Luke smiled.

We stood there in silence. Luke took a step forward, and leaned in. I could feel his hot and minty breath on my lips. I could taste the mint.

Our lips were about to connect, but Ashton happened.

"Luke!" He said to Luke. Luke pulled away scared. "What were you doing to my sister?"

"Why does it matter! You only care about the band not me!" I said loudly and ran to the bathroom.

After I finished my shower, I changed into a laced black bra, black thong, and sweats. I put on a black Nirvana shirt. I pulled my hair into a bun.

I walked out to the living room. "Jaz, can I talk to you?" Ashton asked.

I walked outside. Ashton followed. "Just tell me what was happening with you and Luke, or what was going to happen?" He asked.

"No, I don't really know." I said. "Now I'm gonna go to sleep." I said and walked inside.

"Goodnight guys." I said to them.



"Love you!" Luke said. Everyone looked at him. "Er, goodnight!"

"Goodnight Luke. I love you too." I said walked to my room.

I thought Bout tonight. I just stated in my bed and cried the entire time.

I cried for hours until someone knocked on my door. "Jasmine, It's Luke." Luke said. I opened the door.

"Yes?" I asked. He frowned. He examined my puffy cheeks and red eyes. He wiped the stray tears away.

"Stop crying. Your too pretty to cry." He said. I smiled.

"Luke.. Earlier, when you were pressing on my chest, and breathing into my mouth... I felt something." I admitted. He showed me a smile.

"I thought I was the only one." He said. "You know, the guys are all asleep, so they won't come in here."

I nodded and bit my lip. "Luke." I said. "Kiss me." I said faster an he chuckled.

He crawled up to me, but I was laying down. He was on top of me, and he but his lip. He leaned down, and the door swung open.

Luke rolled off the bed. "We're you to about to-" Calum asked.

"Kiss? Yeah." I answered. I got off my bed to help Luke up. "What do you want Calum?" I asked him.

"Just telling you that we're going on tour. I'm sure Ashton told you though?" He asked. My face dropped.

"No. No he didn't!" I screamed. Luke grabbed me by my waist.

"Let. Him. Finish." He said. I shook my head. Luke sighed. He pecked my lips quickly. I stared at him in shock.

"Whoa! Luke Hemmings! Crush since year seven! Finally kissed you, but it was just a peck!" Calum said. "Anyways... Your coming on your with all of us." Calum said.

I stood there in shock. I had rosey red cheeks. I was blushing hardcore.

"Fuck it!" Luke said.

He grabbed my waist, and crashed our lips together. I kissed back immediately. I pulled away.

"No! This can't happen!" I said, talking about 'us'. Luke frowned.

"What?! Why not!?" He asked.

"Because I could go and kill myself any damn time now. None of you would care, you don't really like me you just feel sorry for me!" I screamed.

"No! I fucking love you! I have ever since year six!" Luke said. He's had a crush on me for a year longer? "I couldn't do shit about it because your always with asshole guys!"

Luke stormed out of the room. "No! You can't just kiss me then leave! And you," I said pointing to Ashton. "You can't just have your friends tell me your going on tour and tell me I'm coming! Maybe I don't want to go!" I screamed. I continued blabbing.

"Luke..." Michael trailed his voice.

Luke grabbed me by my waist and crashed our lips together. I kissed back, knowing Ashton was furious.

Our lips moved in sync, an fit perfectly together. We broke the kiss for air.

"What hell Hemmings?!" Aston screamed.

"Ashton Im in love with your sister!" Luke screamed back. I stood there knowing what was gonna happen.

"NO! Jasmine your no longer going on your with us." Ashton said.

My face dropped. "NO! NO NO. NO!" I screamed. I picked up a picture frame and threw it. It was a picture of me and Ashton.

"This isn't fair! I'm not gonna see you for a year and a half! I'm probably gonna commit suicide the day your gone!" I started crying.

"Ashton what the hell?" Calum asked.

"Your breaking her." Michael said.

"It's all my fault. I shouldn't have kissed her earlier, I shouldn't have now." Luke admitted.

"You kissed my fucking sister again?!" Ashton got up angrily. He swung at Luke.

Luke was hit, and then punched him back. The doorbell rang.

I answered the door. "Baby come home I forgive you." Drake said right there.

"No." I said. Drake grabbed my wrist. "OW HELP ME!" I screamed.

Drake threw me on the ground, he kicked my stomach again. He slapped me. Until he was pushed off.

Princess// Luke Hemmings FanFictionWhere stories live. Discover now