Chapt18--- Confess

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I woke up and all the guys were gone. "What?" I said. It was four o'clock. How could they let me sleep in?

I suddenly remembered everything I confessed last night. "Shit!" I said.

I sat on Luke's bed and thought. "Why didn't I tell him sooner?!" I screamed. "Why. Why! WHY!" I screamed.

I ran to my room. I looked in my mirror. I saw my face twist and turn until it wasn't even my face. I punched the mirror once. Twice. Three times.

"JASMINE STOP!" Ashton screamed.

"No! I ruined everything! This is why I didn't talk! I fucked up my relationship with Luke!" I said. Ashton looked at me.


"I was raped by Drakes friend Darren. So I decided to kill myself instead of telling Luke. I also lied to him! I told him it was because I thought he hated me! No, It's because I knew that if I told him he would hate me!" I screamed. I wrapped my arms around Ashton. "I need help."

"Luke wants to talk to you." Ashton said. "It's not gonna end well."

I prepared for a break up. I nodded and walked to Luke's room. "Uh. Hey Jasmine." He said.

I stayed silent. "I wanted to talk to you about our relationship." He said.

"Your totally right. We should break up. I broke your trust and lied and I didn't open up to you about what happened while you guys were gone and I was wrong." I said, holding back tears.

"Y- You want to break up?" Luke said. I shook my head softly.

"No. But I know you-"

"I don't. I wasn't going to say that." Luke said. I blushed with embarrassment.

"Oh." I said. "Well, I almost fucked up again." I stated.

"I wanted to say, that you can always tell me anything. I also wanted to ask you, we have an interview this weekend. I wanted to know if you wanted to tell the world what we are?" He asked, smiling.

"Yeah. I also wanted to say I fucking love you and would die for you." I said. I hugged him tightly. I started to cry. "I love you SO much!" I said.

"I love you more baby girl. I love you more." He said.

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