Chapt22--- Stupid

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"I can't believe you would do something that dumb and risky AGAIN!!" Ashton screamed at me.

I was just sitting there in tears. Michael looked at me. He knew I wouldn't do anything like that again.

Luke came through the door, hiking his head. He took a step towards me, but Ashton stopped him. "Go pack." He said to me.


"She didn't try to kill herself." Luke said. Ashton looked at him.

"Then what the hell happened?" He asked, Luke groaned in pain.

"She was slipped and fell over, I grabbed her hand and paparazzi flew in. They hit my head with a camera and I was knocked out. I lost her grip and she fell." Luke said.

"No, it's not your fault. It's the paparazzi's." Calum said.

"Go to your room Jasmine. I don't give two shits how old you are your grounded." Ashton said.

"I'm not a baby."

"Yeah but you act like one," Ashton said, "You left this house without permission-"

"Your not my fucking dad Ashton. I'm eighteen! You don't have ANY control over me! You always give me your opinion and I NEVER want it because it's going to ruin what I want!" I said. "I left the house because you guys can't trust me! If I lock my door, I lock it because I want privacy. But that's something you guys know nothing about!"

"Well Im sorry we are all guys-"

"Yeah. And Im sorry Im the only girl I'm the house and sometimes I just need a bit of space." I said.

Ashton looked dumbfounded. I denounced all of the words he had to say. I turned and walked upstairs.

I sat in my bed and I just felt nothing. I had absolutely no emotions. Not happy, not sad, not angry, not even confused.

I wasn't hungry, or tired, or even bored.

I just sat in silence. I decided to send out a tweet. "Love my brother... Im sorry @Ashton5SOS"

Five minutes later he sent a tweet out. "Leave me alone. Your not my sister."

I felt a pang in my chest. Now I felt sorrow and hate.

Someone knocked on my door. I opened it and it was Ashton. I closed my door immediately.

"I totally deserve that." He said. "Jasmine... Please. Just listen to me!"

"What can you possibly say to fix anything right now?" I asked. He sighed.

"I love you." He whispered.

Ashton may be my brother, and believe me, I love him too, but that doesn't always cut it.

But I got to let things go. This will be remembered Ashton Irwin. I promise.

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