Chapt26--- April Fools.. My Ass

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I woke up next to Luke. I was basically straddling him. His eyes opened and I closed mine tight. "Luke, wake up." Ashton said. "Ready?" He asked.

"Yeah." Luke said. He picked me up and brought me to the bathroom, and layed me in the bathtub.

"Ashton, I need help with this bin!" Luke called from downstairs.

Ashton ran out, and I grabbed my silly strings from my closet.

I hid in my closet, waiting for them to go back into the bathroom.

"Where did she go?" Luke asked. I quickly but silently closed the bathroom door. I ran out of my room and slammed the door. They opened the door and I sprayed them both at the same time.

Luke was pissed. "My hair! Fuck you." He said.

Ashton laughed it off. I was hurt by what Luke said. "Luke, It's just sill-"

"No! You fucked up my hair! Thanks alot, brat." Luke said and walked away. Wow. I was left astonished by his actions and his words.

I walked after him. "Listen prick." I said. "It was just an April Fools prank so don't be suck an asshole to me! I don't deserve to be treated this way, by YOU of all people." I said poking his chest.

"Piss off." He said. I knew he was joking. I formed fake tears.

I slapped his face. He looked hurt. "J-Jasmine. This was only a joke I never meant to make you cry." He said.

"Fuck you Luke!" I said. I couldn't help but laugh now. "Fuuuuuck you!" I laughed. He smirked.

"I wanna take you somewhere later. Like a date." Luke said. I turned pink.

"But...We broke u-"

"I know what we did. Dont remind me. I just want to take you somewhere." Luke said looking at the ground. I shook my head.

"What do you mean dont remind you? You just forgot? You forgot evry single moment we spent together, you forgot the past two years? I-I havent even forgotten the day I met you!" I said. He knew he messed up. " But I wish I can."

I walked away from Luke. He sighed. I could picture it. He was probably standing there with a hand in his hair, biting his lip, confused. Well... Im glad my prank is going as planned,,,,

"DINNER!!" Michael screamed. I shook my head.

"Im not hungry." I said. I forgot I hadnt eaten dinner in the past three days.

"you havent eaten in days, Jasmine. Come eat. Please?" Calum asked.

"Nah, Im really not hungry." I said. The guys were all in with my plan. Only Luke wasnt.

I stood up and started to walk, but I fake stumbled over. "Jasmine!" Luke said.

"No, You have no energy in your system! Eat!" Ashton said.

"Im. Not. Hungry." I stated. Luke rolled his eyes.

"Jasmine. Please?" Luke asked.

I stood up and walked out the door. "Im going for a run." I said.

Half an hour later. Ashton looked outside. He nodded to me. He screamed "OH MY GOD!" and i layed on the ground, face down.

"JASMINE! NONONONONO!" Luke screamed. He ranup to me, and shook me several times. "jasmine, please! Wake up! Up! GET UP!" He roared. He was bawling his eyes out.

yeah, I felt bad. I decided to open my eyes and start shaking. He jumped. Ashton started laughing. "Shes having a seizure and your- Ohhhhhh...." Luke caught on.

"Im sorry Luke.. I had to get back at you for earlier." I said.

"You little bitch! You got me good." He laughed. I chuckled. I pecked his lips.

His face dropped. I jus kind of sat there surprised at my actions. Lukes hand traveled from my waist to my face. He crashed our lips together.

I layed back, and Luke came with me. He deepened the kiss as we fell back. I grabbed his face and pushed him back for air. I was breathless and speechless.

"Lets go get some food." I said. Luke nodded. We walked inside an everybody laughed at Luke.

"What!" He asked.

"Nice lipstick!" Michael laughed.

Luke stared at me. I pretended I didn't notice. He grabbed me by my sides and threw me on his bed.

"I'm gonna teach you a lesson, Ms. Irwin." Luke said, and I chuckled.

"So.. Sex?" I asked. "Bring it on." I said.

Luke took his shirt off. "Lesson one. Me." He said, smirking.

"I'm gonna dominate this lesson." I said.

"Are you now?" He asked.

"Yeah.. Grade A in this lesson." I smirked.

"Well.. I guess we'll see about that." He said.

Oh fuck.

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