Chapt30--- Practice, Tours, and Nova

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I woke up next to Jasmine. She was sleeping blissfully. I kissed her cheek, and got up. We had an early practice today.

I changed my shirt, and ran downstairs. I ate a banana.

"Practice time?" Ashton asked.

"Yeah, but Jasmines still sleeping." I said. Ashton shrugged.

"She's used to it. And anyways... Payback for fucking my best mate." Ashton laughed. I turned silent.

"Mate, Im kidding! Just treat her well?" Ashton asked. I nodded. "Good. See you down in a few?" Ashton asked.

"Yeah, yeah. Down in a minute." I said. Suddenly, I felt guilt. Jasmine and I had sex. Yep.

But we weren't together when it happened. We became a couple like a day after. So.. I felt bad about it. No I didn't take advantage of her. It just kind of happened.

I just have to forget it for now. I had band practice.

We practice in the basement. We were actually doing an acoustic version of "Gotta Get Out."


I woke up, and heard the guys playing downstairs. I had a serious headache. Then I remember the performance last night. I did a leap, and I landed on the floor. I hit my head so I have a pounding headache.

They finished the song, and my headache got worse. I groaned.

I walked to the kitchen and grabbed a banana. A strong pair of arms rested around my body.

"Stop." I said. "Please?" I asked.

"What's wrong?" Luke asked.

"I have a headache. I literally wanna hurt someone." I said. I broke free, and grabbed a glass of water.

I took an aspirin and a sip of water. "You need to go lay down." Luke said. He put a hand on my waist. "Come on." He whispered.

I groggily made my way with Luke. He kissed my temple. He brought us to his room.

"Babe. I gotta talk to you. It's important. It's serious." Luke said.

"Oh god. What is it?" I asked.

"We are going on tour in a week." Luke said. "And we are only allowed to bring one person. I'm bringing Ashton." Luke said. I laughed.

"Liar." I laughed.

"You got me." He smiled. "I wanna bring you." Luke said.

"Then do it." I said. I suddenly remember something. "What time is it?" I asked.

"Noon." He said.

"Shit." I mumble?d. "Go get dressed. You cover for Nova FM is in an hour!" I said. Luke's mouth formed an 'o' shape.

Luke jumped up and ripped his clothes off. He quickly threw on some clothes. "Hair?" He asked.

"Leave it!" I said. His hair layed limply to the side.

"Hey we're 5 Secconds of Summer, and we have Luke.. Who's gonna do something special for you." Ashton said.

About thirty seconds later, Luke started the song. I immediately knew it. It was "Lego House" by Ed Sheeran.

Luke began to sing and my mind went blank. All I could do was hear Lukes voice. I couldn't move, I couldn't blink, I could barely breathe.

He was doing so well. I was extremely happy. He looked like he was enjoying it.

After the performance Luke came up to me. "A-Are you.. Crying?" He asked me, laughing.

"Yeah. It was amazing you did wonderful!" I said. I hugged him.

"Thank you. Hey, So tomorrow. Tomorrow there is a family Picnic, and I want you to come. As my date?" He asked. I shook my head.

"I'll go... As your girlfriend." I said.

"I like that even more." Luke smiled and we walked out if the arena.

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