Chapt21--- Liar!

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Everything in my body dropped. I heard Ashton laugh.

"Your kidding, RIGHT?!" He screamed.

"It was the other day... Corina came up to me and she kissed me, but I thought it was Jasmine. So it continued for about ten minutes. I then realized she didn't smell like raspberries. I pulled away and it was Corina."

"Luke. So your telling me.. You basically unintentionally cheated on MY sister?" Ashton raised his voice.

"Ash calm do-"

"Cal, leave Ashton alone." Michael said.

"I'm gonna check up on her in a few." A voice said.

I locked my door. I quickly packed a backpack full of clothes and beanies. I packed a brush, and my toothbrush and toothpaste. I ran downstairs to the living room.

I grabbed my phone. Luke grabbed my hand, "Jasmine wait-"

"Save it, Lucas!" I said. "I heard it all already."

His face dropped. He looked like he had been crying. I'm not mad he falsely cheated on me. I'm mad he called me a sensitive bitch.

I ran to my room. I locked my door again. "She locked her door." Luke said.

"Shit. She's doing something bad." Ashton said.

I heard four guys pounding up the stairs. They pounded on my door.

I kept quiet.

I quickly changed into sweatpants, and a hoodie. I put on my black combat boots and my black beanie. I jumped out of my window, onto my roof.

I heard my door break open. "She's on the roof!"

I ran across the roof. I jumped off and rolled across the lawn. I quickly got up.

I ran down the street and made a few turns.


"Hey Niall.. Can I stay at your guys' place for a few days?" I asked.

"Sure. Tell me later." He said.

"Alright. Bye." I hung up my phone. I saw Ashton. I turned an ran.

"She's gone again!"

I ran to Niall's house. I pounded on the door. "What happened?"

"Luke. He unintentionally cheated on me. He also called me a sensitive bitch!" I said.

"No... NoNoNo! You weren't supposed to find out!" He said.

"Wait- So you were in on this?" I asked.


"Bloody hell!" I screamed and ran out.

I knew where I was going. I was going back to that bridge.

I ran and put foot on it. I couldn't do it. I couldn't bring myself up to do it.

I heard a soft sob.

I looked on a rock and saw Luke. "N-Niall. I thought she would come to the bridge. I was wrong. I'm always wrong!" He said on the phone.

"I-" I stuttered.

He heard me. He turned and saw me. I froze. "Jasmine."

"S-Save it, L-Lucas." I shivered.

I turned and picked up my bag. "You ran away?"

"Or what? Face the fact that my so called boyfriend cheated on me? I told Corina she could have you, I meant it."

"No! Jasmine-"

"I'm not mad you cheated on me." I said. He looked confused.

"I'm mad about the way you handled it. You told everyone but me. Even my brother! Then you called me a sensitive bitch."

He started to cry. I stood on the icy bridge. I gripped onto a pole.

"I know! I was horribly wrong and stupid and dumb and horrible!" He said. "I'm a bad person!"

Just then a huge gust of wind came by and blew me right off the bridge. Luke grabbed my hand.

Paparazzi flew in. They were capturing photos of me nearly dying. Luke almost had me up, but some camera guy hit his head and he lost his grip on me. I fell down to the water.

I was dying, and I knew it. I had to try something. I tried and tried andtried to swim.

Suddenly my face hit the surface. I couldn't really move.

"Jasmine! What the hell?!" Ashton screamed. I shook my head.

"It's not what it looks like!" I said.

"We'll talk when we get home, because that's were we're going." Ashton said, grabbing my hand, and pulling me into the cold grass.

I was absolutely freezing! It's October and this water was COLD!

And now Ashton thinks I tried to kill myself.


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