Chapt12--- One in a Million

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"Why did you say something was wrong earlier?" Ashton spoke to Luke. I was in my room, but they were loud and clear.

"Jasmine told Corina she could just have me, Jasmine clearly doesn't like me anymore." Luke said. Wrong, I fucking love you. "It's like she gave up."

"No, Jasmine adores you! She doesn't just give up on anything or anyone ever!" Michael said.

"Luke, clearly she thinks she doesn't deserve you. And maybe she's right." Calum said. I could tell Luke's face reddened by the way he spoke.

"No! I- I can't just let her go! I need her!" Luke said.

"Luke, let it go. Let my sister go. If she wants you she'll come to you." Ashton said.

I ran downstairs. I threw my arms around Luke. I felt his arms slowly snake around my waist. I buried my head in the crook of his neck.

"I told you. She goes after what she wants." Ashton said. I looked up and he was smiling. "We'll leave you two alone."

"Yeah lets go to Ashton's room or something." Calum said.

"Bye lovebirds!" Michael called before he disappeared.

Luke and I just stood there in silence. "I love you. I never want to let you go." Luke said. I nodded.

"I love you! I need you, I want you, I don't deserve you an you can do much better than me." I said. Luke shook his head. We sat down.

"No, no! I can't do better, your the best of the best! You deserve to be with a guy that will always be there, like a best friend." Luke said.

"I already have him. But I can't exactly call him mine yet...." I trailed me voice.

"Jasmine Irwin.. Be my girlfriend?" Luke asked hopefully.

"Your an idiot Hemmings." I laughed, I crashed our lips together.

"WOOHOOOO!! It worked!" "Fuck yeah!!" "AWWWW!"

I looked and there was a camera sitting on the coffee table. I stopped it's recording and reconnected our lips.

"Luke, we uh.. Have a show today." Ashton said. I pulled away from Luke.

"Yeah, I know." Luke laughed.

"You guys are not going dressed in dirty football clothes." Michael chuckled.

"I could go naked." Luke and I said at the same time. I looked at him and died.

"I'm going to go change." I said. Luke nodded. He was still laughing.

I change into a white nirvana crop top, some ripped black leggings, my red converse, and my red suspenders the dropped to my sides.

"Damn Irwin." Suzanna said to me.

"What." I said. Luke laughed.

"She means you look great. Amazing, even perfect." Luke said.

"Really, I thought my bum would look a little weird." I admitted.

"Nah. It's not small, but it's not big. It's cute, and adorable." Luke smiled. I kissed his cheek.

"Thanks babe." I said to Luke. Suzanna looked at us weirdly. I laughed and she left the room.

"I know we have had such a riot the past few days, but I want to make it up to you at the show." Luke said.

"No, you don't have to-"

He shut me up by kissing me. "Sh. I want to." He whispered and I blushed.

"That's what I thought." Luke spoke softly against my cheeks. I bit my lip.

I backed away. Luke puppy dog faced me. "I'm not gonna start anything and leave you with a big problem during the show." I winked to Luke.

"I kinda already have a problem." Luke laughed. I sighed.

"What's the problem?" Ashton asked.

"Luke's boner." I mumbled. Luke glared at me. "Uhhhh... Nothing, just, Luke's face." I lied.

"Hey- WHOA BONER!" Michael screamed.

"What?" Ashton said. He looked at Lukes boner and looked at me.

"CALUM!" I tried to blame it on Cal. I pointed to him.

"Nice try Jasmine. And Luke, I don't want THAT," Ashton said,"To affect our show." Ashton scoffed and ran out.

I smirked at Luke. "Don't you dare." He said. I bit my lip.

"Watch me." I said, and walked out.

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