Chapt10--- The Game

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I woke up, and ran to my room. I grabbed my jersey, and a pair of black shorts. I grabbed my black socks, and my black converse. I grabbed a black pair of panties and a black laced bra.

I hopped in the shower. I heard the guys talking. "Who got her a jersey? Luke, you don't think..."

"Drake? No, she's done with him. I know it."

He was right. I hated Drake with a burning passion. I dried off and dried my hair an put everything on.

I pulled my chocolate colored curls into a ponytail. I put very little makeup on because I don't want to get all sweaty and sweat it all off. Ew.

I ran downstairs. "I'm ready to destroy you all." I said. Everyone looked at me funny. "Or whoever is on the opposite team as me." I corrected.

"Me you Luke vs Ashton and Michael." Calum said. I looked at them funny.

"Three vs two?" I asked. Calum nodded.

"Your not the best at football..." He trailed his voice.

"Oh really?" I said.

"Let me see your special Jersey!" Luke said. I lifted my hair and turned around. Luke gasped.

"Hemmings 96." Ashton smiled. I looked at Luke. "She's still committed even though your not dating." Ashton sighed in shock. I laughed.

"Lets go kick ass Hood and Hemmings." I said.

Ten minutes later...

"We're gonna let the siblings start off..." Michael said. I smirked.

"Good luck, Irwin." Ashton said to me.

"Right back at you, Loser." I laughed.

"GO!" Luke screamed.

I kicked the ball and steadily but quickly ran with it. Ashton was screaming. "SHE'S CHEATING!" I kicked the ball into the goal.

"It's not cheating if you have a idiot for a brother!" I laughed.

Luke stared at me in shock. "What? I can play. You guys just always doubted me and never let me." I said, running up to them.

"Damn Hemmings.." Luke said to me.

"Irwin." I corrected.

"The jersey says other wise" Luke tsked me. I growled.

An hour later Corina came over. Corina hated my brother and love Luke more than a friend.

I was intimidated. She ran right up to Luke. "Hi Lukey!" She cheered.

"Uhh.. Hi." He said not looking at her.

"So I heard you dumped that whore!" She laughed. Luke cleared his throat.

"Uhh.." He said.

"She was sooo ugly! And fat! What was her name?? Justine?? Jackie?"

"Jasmine." I said. She looked at me.

"Oh my god! I can't believe you have him up! He's so hot! As your so.. Not." She laughed.

I giggled. "Oh my god! I can't believe you think you have a chance with him!" I mocked her girly tone. Luke choked on his water laughing. Michael laughed.




"Whore." I said. "I can do this all day, I have time, since I'm not in every guys pants every second of the day." I said. She scoffed.

"Bitch please. Your time could be spent working out or eating a salad, but you choose to lay in bed crying." She laughed.

"At least I had an actual boyfriend, not a fuck buddy." I said. She raised her hand and slapped me.

I pushed her over. I jumped onto her and smacked her. She pulled my hair and I pulled hers.

She pushed me off of her and jumped onto my. I blocked my face and she swung over and over and over.

"At least Im not an emo little wimp who can't fight for herself." Corina spat. She got up and walked away.

"I can fight for myself. Bitch I'll show you!" I screamed. I ran after her and grabbed her hair. I threw her to the ground. I got on her and raised a fist.

"No." I said. "Your not worth it." I got off of her and walked away. Everyone stared at me.

"No! She almost stole Luke from you!" Ashton said. I stopped.

I looked at Luke. I sighed. I continued to walk away. I was about to make it to the stone stairs. "Watch out Jaz!" Michael screamed.

I turned and grabbed Corina's wrist. I pushed her back and she fell. "Luke's all yours." I spat and walked away.

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