Chapt24--- Sulking

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I stayed outside pretty much my entire past 2 days. I haven't spoken to anyone. Nobody, zip. Zen. Zero. None.

I heard footsteps behind me. All of the guys were coming out here with things like food, drinks, hoodies, blankets.

"Jasmine, please talk to us! Why aren't you speaking?" Ashton asked.

"Oh. Luke never told you?" I asked.

"Told us what." Michael said.

"We b-broke up." Luke whispered, looking at the ground.

"Oh. Jaz, I'm sorry." Calum said.

"Oh, don't be! My best friend is there for me." I said. Luke looked at me. "Speaking of which, Im gonna call him."

I dailed my friends number. He asked me out yesterday but I never answered him. I'm setting myself up for suicide.

"Hello? Oh hey I have an answer to that question. Of course I'll be your girlfriend Drake!" I said in excitement.

After five minutes of talking, I hung up. "No. NoNoNo! You can't!" Luke started to cry.

"Oh. I didn't know you controlled me. What other things didn't I know?" I asked everyone.

"This is bullshit." Ashton said.

A month later.

I was sitting in my room with Drake and he barged in drunk for the third time. "Get out! I hate you! We are over and we have been for a few weeks!" I screamed at him.

He punched my jaw, knocking me out.

I woke up naked. I realized what happened. I took a shower and changed into sweatpants and a hoodie.

I've been dressing like a whore for Drake. I haven't worn sweats in a month. I walked downstairs. I first hugged Ashton, then Michael, then Calum then Luke.

"I love you all. I'm promising you right now, Im never wearing skirts EVER again!" I said with tears in my eyes.

I had fresh bruises on my wrists.

"He raped you didn't he." Luke said, looking at the ground. "I walked in. I thought he wasn't there, but you were out cold as he was just going at it."

"Yeah, he did. I'm fine though." I answered. Luke grabbed me by my hoodie. He was furious.

"Your not fine. You. Didn't. Deserve. This." He said. He was slightly yelling. He softened his voice. "I-Im sorry. I didn't mean to yell."

"It's okay. But can we talk later?" I asked. Luke nodded, and ran a hand through his sun-kissed quiff.

I walked right by him, with tears welling up in my eyes. I jogged to my bathroom. I wiped off the caked makeup I had on my face. I looked a lot better without it.

Drake made me a monster. He made me suicidal, anorexic, and a slut.

I wiped my tears away. Luke texted me.

-Come to my room?? -Luke xx

I didn't reply. I walked downstairs. Ashton looked at me. "Your beautiful." Ashton said. I smiled.

"If you say so." I laughed.

I heard Calum and Michael whispering about Luke and I.

I saw Luke's door was open. I looked in and saw him underneath a blonde, slim girl. I started to cry.

She began to rip his shirt off. He opened his eyes and saw me. "No, Wait!"

"I told you she still liked him!" Michael said.

"Dude, but we just ruined Luke's chances!" Calum said.

"So? Who cares. What matters is that my sister won't have any more guys in her life!" Ashton clapped.

I ran to the basement. I sat in the corner and cried.

I heard pounding footsteps going down the stairs. Luke was flying down the steps, and he hit the wall.

"Fuck!" He groaned. I was hoping he wouldn't find me. I was in a trapped door, that Luke an I found a few years ago.

"Where the hell is that door?" I heard him ask.

I opened it a bit to see that he wasn't facing me. I opened it all the way, and got out I began to run.

I tripped over a rug, and fell and hit my head. "Owwwwwwwww!"

"Jazzy. What the hell?! I just wanted to explain..."

A strong pair of hands pulled me up by my waist. Instantly I moaned.

He chuckled. His hands went up my shirt and softly and slowly ran up my sides. He remembered.

"Will you listen now?" He asked.

I shook my head. He sighed. "I really didn't think Id have to do this but-"

He crashed our lips together. I kissed back immediately.

He pulled back. "It was all a joke. I needed to know if you still liked me."

"Well you got your damn answer right?" I asked slightly becoming a bitch.

"I'm gonna kill Drake," he muttered. "He changed the way you look now the way you act!"

"Shut the hell up. Yeah, I understand the way I looked was changed but the way I act is all normal. You just expect to much." I said. I realized he looked hurt.

I wrapped my arms around him. "I'm such a bitch." Was all I said.

"No, you just need to forget about Drake." Luke said, wrapping his arms around my waist.

"Luke.. I-I have to tell you something." I said. He looked straight into my eyes. He titled his head.

"I-Im in love with you."

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