Chapt19--- Breaking News.. Literally

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"I love that dress on you, Ms. Irwin!" The reporter complimented me on my lilac colored dress. "Those combat boots really contrast from the lilac!"

"Thank you! I really like this dress but I really like mah boots so.... Yeh." I laughed. Luke intertwined our fingers.

"Luke! Earth to Lucas!" Michael said. I looked at Luke and he was staring at me. I bit my lip.

"Uhh huh? What? Obama!" Luke said. Michael laughed.

"We didn't say anything about Obama, mate." Ashton said.

"Oh. Yeah." Luke said, embarrassed.

"Okay, so we have tweets flying in here about this ship name going through the band. Juke Hemmwin. Who is that?" The reporter asked.

"That would be my sister Jasmine Irwin, and the Luke Hemmings right here." Ashton said, pulling Luke's hair.

"OWWW!" Luke groaned.

"Will that ship ever come true?" The reporter said.

"Actually, it is." Luke said. I blushed. "We have been dating for about a week or so." Luke finished.

I looked at the ground. "And Jasmine, your not afraid of the fans?"

"Oh. No. I know there will be some that accept our relationship, but some might not and that's okay. What's really important, and what really matters, is the fact that I know there will be ups and downs with them being in the band, and my relation ship." I said. "I know there will probably be times where I won't be able to be there for Luke and the band, but Im always there for them somehow." I said.

"And I know how I feel about Jasmine, and without her, without knowing she's mine, I- I don't know how to breathe, eat, sleep, or even live." Luke said, slowly losing his smile.

"Whoa. I just got a little emotional!" Ashton said.

"Luke, If I may, what happened at your last show in Sydney? We heard you and saw you, singing Amnesia, and then you ran off?" She asked.

"Oh. Um. Jasmine was really upset with me, and she left the arena. Her makeup was completely in ruins. The song just hit me where it hurt and I couldn't finish the song. It kills me to know that I made her that upset, enough for her to just... Leave." Luke said. He sniffled.

"Luke, you should step outside." Michael said.

I took Luke's hand. "Excuse us." I said. I pulled Luke out of the room.

He was crying. "Luke. Luke!" I said. He looked at me. "Hey. I'm right here! You still have me. You always will!" I said. He shook his head.

"No! I don't like to bring that up! We could have broken up that day! You could have-" I knew what he was going to say. I crashed our lips together.

I pulled away. "Don't talk about it. Just hug me." I said. I tightly held him close to me. He cried into my hair.

"Y- You smell great!" He cried. I laughed. He couldn't help but laugh.

I pulled away. I wiped his tears away so it didn't leave lines down his face. I pecked his lips. "I love you." I said.

He nodded. He took my hand. "I love you." He said. We walked back into the room.

"Sorry about that... I just kinda thought about something and it struck me." Luke said.

I smiled at him. He kissed my cheek.

"Well lets answer some more rumor questions!" The reporter said. I nodded. "Okay, so. @Liz_Hemmings says, Hi Luke! You never told me about you and Jasmine! Come home soon!"

"We will mum. I'll even bring Jasmine!" Luke laughed. I blushed.

"@Ashton5SOS says, wow I didn't think if get picked.. Hi guys!"

"Ashton your an idiot!" Michael laughed. Ashton chuckled.

"@SammylovesLuke says, Jasmine! Back away from Luke. He's mine you- I can't say that here."

I stood up and took a step back. "Am I far away enough?" I asked. Luke laughed.

"@RealBandsSaveFans0372 says, I dare Luke and Jasmine to go hip-to-hip in a game of Derpball."

"I'm too short." I said. "I'm only 5'5 and Luke's like 6ft tall!" I said. "You crazy freak.. With surprisingly amazing legs." I laughed.

Luke screamed. Michael died laughing. "Jasmine, leave the room for one minute??" The reporter asked. I stood up an ran out.

Ten minutes later Luke came out. "Jasmine.. I have to tell you something." He said seriously.

"I don't want to be together anymore." He said. I started to cry.

"B-But you said you loved me!" I said.

"Fuck I can't finish this dare." Luke said.

He hugged me tightly. "You asshole. You really thought Id believe that?" I laughed.

"DAMMIT!" Luke said and walked back in.

We finished the interview, ad we all piled into the car and Luke took us somewhere special...

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