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The boys watched as Jonah rested his head in his hand for the third time during the interview, eyes slipping closed from exhaustion. Daniel kicked him harshly from underneath the table, causing him to quickly raise his head up and pay attention to the interviewer.

Now, the boys were annoyed, but they were also concerned. Ever since they crossed into Britain, Jonah's been groggy and tired all the time. They thought that it was just jet lag, but it's been two weeks and they're still on the tour bus.

The first few times they were sympathetic, knowing the boy wouldn't drift off unless he was tired. Now, the boys were becoming more and more agitated with the fact that Jonah couldn't seem to stay awake.

Jonah knew they were angry at him, and would simply look down at his feet every time he was kicked back into reality and received harsh glares. He knew he would be yelled at once the interview was over.

Sooner than Jonah would have liked it, the interview had ended. The boys all walked out of the room, Jonah trudging behind with his head hanging low. They got out the door and stepped into the tour bus, before all of them turning back and looking at Jonah, anger flaring in their eyes. He cowered back once he closed the door, wincing at the hatred in their eyes.

"Jonah are you serious? You couldn't even pretend to be interested? Listen, we're all tired but you don't hear us complaining and falling asleep in the middle of the day. Get a grip, Jonah. You embarrassed this entire band." Daniel said, voice stone cold.

"I'm sorry, boys. Really, I am. I just couldn't sleep last night..." Jonah mumbled.

"Jonah, you've been falling asleep for weeks during the day! You're just being selfish! And at least have the courage to look us in the eyes whenever we're talking to you, coward!" Jack fumed at Jonah who had begun looking at his feet.

When he finally did look up, Jonah had tears filling his eyes, making the boys stomachs drop.

"Look, just go get some sleep. We have another interview in two hours." Corbyn said, rubbing his shoulder.

Jonah sniffled and nodded. They boys all went their separate ways, while Jonah went into his bunk. Once again the familiar feeling of not being able to sleep overtook his body, just like it had the last two weeks. He was exhausted, but he couldn't fall asleep. Jonah sighed as he just hoped he wouldn't fall asleep during the next interview.

The middle of the next interview and Jonah still hadn't slept a wink. He now hasn't slept in five days and was physically and mentally drained. He didn't even realize it when the interviewer asked him a question.

Throughout the interview, all the boys would simply rub his shoulder or tap him gently to keep him awake, they could all see he was exhausted, which didn't make any sense, because he just slept for two hours. Jonah somehow pulled through the interview, using the last of his strength to get back to the tour bus. He turned around to the rest of the boys, scared of what they would say.

"Babe, are you okay?" Corbyn asked gently.

Jonah was stunned, expecting them to yell at him. On the other hand, he couldn't get his brain to form the words that he couldn't fall asleep, so he just simply shook his head. He began to falter, and grabbed onto the table to keep himself upright.

The boys immediately rushed to his side, taking him to the couch and laying him down on top of their laps.

"What's wrong, J?" Daniel asked.

Jonah stumbled over his words, but they were coherent enough. "I- I kee-keep tryi-ng to f-fall as-asleep bu-t I c-can't."

They all looked at him with sympathetic looks, figuring he was just sleep deprived. Jonah's head was in Zach's lap, and Zach slowly traced alone Jonah's jawline, rubbing up and over his eyes gently, making Jonah relax into the touch and close his eyes. Whether or not Zach knew it, he was just making things worse. Jonah physically couldn't fall asleep no matter how hard he tried, and Zach made the suffering worse even though he meant well.

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