Stomach Bug

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Hey y'all! So this isn't a request this is just something I came up with and decided to write. Hope you like it!


When Daniel woke up, it was to the sound of his oldest boyfriend whimpering. He opened his eyes slightly, looking around at his boyfriends cuddled in the bed with him before his eyes landed on a sweaty and shivering Jonah.

Careful to not move too fast as to not wake the other boys, he set a hand on Jonah's shoulder, rubbing it slightly.

"Shh, J it's okay, it's okay. Come on, wake up babe." Daniel coaxed.

Jonah's eyes shot open as he gasped in a breath, panic written on his face.

"Shhh baby, it's okay, it's okay. It's just a nightmare." Daniel whispered, pulling Jonah close so his head was resting on his chest to hear his heartbeat.

Jonah calmed down, not wanting to wake his other lovers. Hot tears leaked out of his eyes and onto Daniels shirt as he reminded himself it was just a dream. Daniel kept running a hand through his hair, frowning when he felt the head radiating off of his forehead.

"Do you feel okay baby?" Daniel asked quietly.

Jonah thought for a minute before shaking his head no. His stomach was in knots and his head was killing him.

"It's almost time to get up. Do you want to go take a shower with me? You feel hot babe." Daniel asked, feeling his burning cheeks and forehead.

"Y-Yea." Jonah croaked out.

Daniel lifted Jonah out of bed, being sure not to wake the other boys. He carried him into the bathroom before setting him on the counter, standing in between his legs.

"Wanna tell me what's wrong?" Daniel asked softly, Jonah sticking his head in Daniels neck.

Daniel softly rubbed up and down his back as Jonah sniffled.

"My head hurts. And my stomach kills. I just don't feel good baby." Jonah explained, a small sob leaving his mouth at the end of the sentence.

"Hey, it's okay J. How about we take a shower and then we can go get you some medicine and cuddle. And if your stomach is still hurting I know Zach wouldn't mind giving you one of his world-famous stomach rubs." Daniel said, making Jonah giggle into his collarbone.

When living in a house with five boyfriends, sickness was rare, but when it did happen it hit hard enough that all four boys would fawn over the fallen. They had quickly learned Zach was excellent at soothing stomachs by giving a belly massage.

Daniel lifted Jonahs head up from his shoulder, pulling his shirt off of the sweaty boy. Daniel got himself fully stripped before standing Jonah up and helping him get the rest of his clothing off.

"Ya know, if I didn't feel like shit this would be so hot." Jonah mumbled against Daniels shoulder.

"No cussing." Daniel said, pouting and turning on the cold water.

He knew Jonah would be extremely cold, but he had to get his temperature down. He slowly stepped both of them into the freezing cold shower, facing Jonah around so he got the most of it.

"D-Dani it's c-cold." Jonah whined, reaching for the water faucet to turn it hotter.

"No bubba, leave it. We need to get your temperature down." Dani said, pulling his hand back.

Jonah shivered against Daniels skin, trying to reach for the faucet again before his hand was pulled back.

"Leave it, Jonah." Daniel said sternly.

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