Death in Family

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Jonah didn't know what to do. He just got done with a show, and his mom was on the phone telling him that his grandma just died.

"Okay Mom. I need to go, we're heading back to the bus." He said into the phone before hanging up, not even waiting for his mom to reply.

Thing is, he didn't feel like he could cry. He made himself put up his walls before walking out of his dressing room, jogging over to where the rest of the boys were. Though he wouldn't let himself cry, he didn't feel happy. The boys smiled at him, he just looked straight ahead and started walking out of the venue, towards the car. The boys all looked around at each other with brows raised.

"What's his problem?" Zach snipped.

"I don't know." Corbyn said.

The boys all walked out and into the tour bus, wincing when they all heard soft sniffling. It sounded like Jonah was crying.

Daniel quickly pushed them out the tour bus. Talking so Jonah couldn't hear.

"Jonah's crying." He said hurriedly.

Everyone looked shocked, Jonah didn't even tell them how he felt, much less cry. They were his boyfriends and so far he hasn't talked to them ONCE about being sad. They'd never seen him even get teary-eyed.

"I'm calling his mom." Corbyn said quickly, taking out his phone.

None of the boys objected, everyone holding their breaths to find out what was wrong with Jonah.

"Hey boys." Jonah's Mom said when she finally picked up.

It was clear she'd been crying too. "What's wrong? Why's Jonah crying?" Corbyn blurted out.

"Jonah's grandma just died. She practically raised him after I was told I had cancer. Please don't let him do anything stupid." She sobbed out before hanging up the phone before any of the boys could hear her cry louder.

All of the boys faces were filled with shock. Corbyn swallowed and took a deep breath.

"Come on guys, we've gotta go help him." Corbyn said.

All the boys rushed into the tour bus to see Jonah bent over on the ground, sobbing into his hands. Daniel rushed to his side and picked him up, setting him in his lap. He kept his face covered with his hands, sobbing loudly. All the boys sat down on the floor with them, trying to provide comfort to the boy. Jack gently removed the boys hands from his face.

All of the boys gasped when they saw his face. The usually happy and bright-eyed boy looked nothing like what was in front of them. His usually blue-green eyes were a deep shade of gray, his hair was disheveled from him pulling at it, and he was gasping for air. Daniel pulled him closer to his chest, while Jonah curled into himself.

Curled up, Jonah looked a lot younger than he was. His hands were clutched tightly around his stomach. None of the boys knew what to do, the closest they had come to something like this was when Jack's dog died a year ago.

Jack spoke up first. "Jonah? Hey bubba, can you breathe for me? I need you to take deep breaths, you're gonna make yourself sick."

Jonah looked like he was trying to calm down, but his sobs wracked his body. Corbyn slowly ran a hand through Jonah's hair in a comforting manor before Zach spoke up, shocking everyone.

Instead of speaking, he sang. "I took the supermarket flowers from the window seal. I threw the day old tea from the cup..."

He knew it was a sad song, but he had heard Jonah singing it before so he knew he liked the song. Slowly, the rest of the boys joined in with him until Jonah had calmed down a little bit. Everyone was silent for a long while until Jonah finally spoke up.

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