Panic And Asthma Don't Mix

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Hey everyone! This request is for fanfictiongeek22 I hope you like it!
Also jack still has curly hair in this.


Jonah woke up surrounded by his boyfriends, smiling at how cute all of them were. Jonah very slowly untangled himself from them, knowing he shouldn't go back to bed. He had to get up and get ready or else he wouldn't be awake enough to help the boys get ready later on. He knew it was messed up logic in the back of his mind, but it didn't matter. He was the oldest, he had to be there whenever they needed him.

He grabbed his phone from the nightstand, leaving the room and quietly closing the door. The oldest of the band walked into the kitchen, already starting to brew coffee. He checked his phone and leaned against the counter while he waited, wincing slightly when he saw the time.

4:00 AM, his phone read. He knew his boyfriends would be upset if they knew he was up at this time, especially since they only got back home at 12:00. Sure, he had barely slept four hours, but he was sure he would be fine. Even if they did have a show tonight.

He grabbed a mug of out the cabinet when his coffee was finally finished, pouring the black liquid in his cup and taking a long sip. Jonah walked into the living room and sat down, laying the cup on the coffee table. He slid his keyboard towards him, beginning to play melodies and write new songs.


When Daniel woke up, he rolled over to his side, expecting to find Jonah to cuddle with, but instead being met with an empty bed.

He sighed, immediately wondering how long he had been up. The boys had all tried to talk to their boyfriend about staying in bed and sleeping in, but he wouldn't have any of it. He assured them he just wasn't tired, but Daniel saw the bags under his eyes. He saw how Jonah always fell asleep in the car, and so did the other boys.

They all knew the oldest was exhausted, but decided not to say anything. He would come to them when something was wrong.

Daniel slowly got out of bed, having to untangle Corbyns limbs from around his waist. He walked downstairs to see his oldest boyfriend playing the piano. He was humming along to it, sipping coffee every few seconds.

Daniel frowned, he could see the dark circles under his eyes.

"Hi baby. What ya doing up?" The fake blonde asked.

Jonah's head snapped up, and he smiled lazily when he saw the youngest. He walked over and slid the keyboard away from the brunette, sitting down beside him. Jonah laid his head down on Daniels shoulder, the younger beginning to run a hand through his hair.

"Baby, it's 5 am. What are you doing up? We don't have anything except a show later tonight." Daniel said.

The tired boy sighed from his shoulder.

"I don't know. I just wanna be awake in case any of you need anything." He admitted, the sleep deprivation beginning to get to him.

Daniel frowned deeply, lifting the boys head up from his shoulder.

"Baby, if we need you, we'll get you. Now come on, we're going back to bed." Daniel said, picking Jonah up.

Jonah just laid his head in Daniels chest, allowing him to carry him upstairs. Daniel laid him down on the bed again, feeling the older boy cuddle into him the second he laid down.

"Gotta set an alarm." Jonah slurred out.

"Don't worry babe, I set one last night. We don't have to be anywhere until 7. Just get some rest, J." Daniel whispered, running a hand through his hair.

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