Hiding it

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Hey everyone! This is for Rose_Taber I hope you like it!

Also thank y'all so incredibly much for 21k reads it means the world to me❤️

On with the story!

Oh and all the guys are dating in this

When Jonah woke up in his bunk he immediately noticed how hot he felt. He kicked off the covers, whining as it did nothing to cool him down. After ten minutes of trying to get colder, he realized that the rest of him didn't feel too good either. He couldn't breathe in through his nose and his head hurt.

"Hello?" He heard someone ask from the bunks, realizing he was sniffling loudly.

"Hey." Jonah tried to say, but his voice cracked and cut out, making him sound like he was crying.

He winced as he realized how bad his throat hurt, and it felt like sandpaper was running down his throat.

"Jo? Are you crying baby? Did you have a nightmare?" He heard Zach ask.

Jonah knew he couldn't get out of this, and he sure as hell didn't want any of the boys to know he was sick, not when he was the oldest and they had a day jam-packed with interviews the next day.

He made a split second decision, only seeing one way out of this.

"Y-Yea." He whimpered out.

Jonah let all of the pain in his body flow through him and felt tears spring to his eyes, rolling down his cheeks. He let out small sobs to add to the effect.

The brunette heard his youngest boyfriend jump down from his bunk and walk over to his. Zach pulled the curtain back slowly, his face falling when he saw Jonah crying and letting out small heart-breaking sobs.

"Shhh, it's okay J. C'mon, you can sleep with me, okay?" Zach said picking him up bridal style.

Jonah just relaxed in his hold, laying his head on his chest.

Zach laid them both down in his bunk, pulling Jonah close. The older quickly cuddled into him, laying his head on his chest and beginning to drift.

"I love you." Zach whispered to the drifting boy.

"Love you." Jonah replied before sinking into darkness fully.


Daniel stretched out his muscles after waking up, not wanting to get out of his bunk but knowing he had to eventually. He smelled the air, his brows furrowing when he didn't smell any food or coffee.

Jonah was always up by now cooking food and making coffee.

Daniel swung his legs out of the bunk and walked into the kitchen, seeing all of his boyfriends sitting on the couch. Well, all of them except Jonah.

"Good morning." Daniel smiled, making them all turn and smile back.

"Mornin." Zach said.

Daniel kisses each of his boyfriends, smiling before sitting down on the couch and cuddling into Corbyn.

"Where's Jo?" He asked, yawning.

"He had a nightmare last night and slept with me, so we decided to let him sleep in as much as he could." Zach responded, slinging an arm around his waist.

Daniel just cuddled into him, still a bit worried. The Jonah he knew never slept in this late, ever.

"If I go check on him will it make you feel better?" Jack asked, noticing the look on his boyfriends face.

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