Sun Poisoning

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"Jonah come in!" Zach yelled from the pool.

Jonah rolled his eyes. "I haven't put on sunscreen yet."

"Come on Jonah, it won't hurt. We won't even be out here that long. Please?" Daniel asked, casting his best puppy eyes towards the older boy.

Jonah hesitated before laughing it off and walking into the water. It wouldn't hurt, right? They wouldn't be there long enough for Jonah to get too much sun.

The other boys had already put on sunscreen, but he didn't want them to have to wait on him.

The boys happily swam, splashing water at each other. Next thing they knew, minutes turned into hours. Jonah could tell me was getting a little burnt, but couldn't see just how bad it was. All he knew was that his back had been facing the sun, and it felt hot against his skin.

"Guys, how long have we been in here?" Jonah asked.

"What's wrong Jo, scared of getting red?" Zach joked.

Corbyn laughed and got out of the pool, drying his hands off and checking the time on his phone.

"Wow, has it been that long?" Corbyn asked, seeming a bit alarmed.

"What time is it?" Jonah asked, sitting up a bit more.

"3:30. It's been five hours." Corbyn said, wincing slightly.

"Let's get inside." Jack said, quickly getting out of the water with everyone else.

The boys all rushed inside, grabbing towels on the way in. They all stood in a circle inside, looking at each other for sunburns.

All of them looked red, except Jonah. His nose just looked a little pink.

"How did you not get burned?" Zach asked, looking at his own light red skin.

"I don't know." Jonah laughed.

None of them said anything as they inspected their skin. None of the boys had gotten badly burnt, just a little red.

They all turned to wrap their towels around themselves and shower when Jonah let out a pained shout.

"Jo?" Corbyn asked, startled.

"My towel touched my back... god it hurts." He whimpered.

Jack went around him to inspect the damage, gasping in horror at the deep crimson red displayed across Jonah's back.

"Jo..." Jack said, hand over his mouth in shock.

All the other boys went around to the other side of Jonah, faces contorting in horror at the sight of the already blistered red skin.

"Get in my car, now." Daniel said hurriedly, grabbing his keys.

"Dani how bad is it?" Jonah asked. He knew it hurt, he just didn't think it was bad enough to go to the doctor.

"Get in the car Jobear." He repeated, leading him there, careful to not touch his back.

Jack, Zach, and Corbyn climbed in the back while Jonah walked towards the car. The second his back hit the hot leather seats, he screamed out in pain, jumping to get out of the car.

"Jojo, go lay across their laps babe, you can't ride like that. It'll hurt too bad." Daniel said, helping him into the back.

As Jonah laid across their laps, his head in Zach's lap, he couldn't help the tears that began to form. Zach looked down when he heard soft whimpers coming from the boy in his lap, back facing the ceiling.

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