Death in Family Part 2

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Hey guys! So I don't exactly know who requested this, as there were a few people who did. So this is for everyone! Also sorry it's short❤️


Daniel finally flopped down on the bed, the longest one to last finally finished.

All of the boys were covered in a layer of sweat, each of them panting.

Especially Jonah.

He had been the center of attention seeing how it was his birthday. The boy was heaving in breaths, his chest rising and falling hard.

He had a smile stretched over his swollen lips. He hadn't felt that good in a while.

Zach was on one side of him, Daniel was on the other. Corbyns arm was slung across Zach, his heavy and comforting hand laying on Jonah's bare stomach. Jack was on the other side of Daniel, a hand intertwined in Jonahs hand.

"I love you all. So much." He gasped out.

"We love you too. Happy birthday Baby Boy." Corbyn said.

"Thanks..." he mumbled, voice filled with exhaustion.

"Not yet baby, we gotta shower." Zach said, caressing his face slightly.

The boys were all exhausted, but they also knew Jonah was wrecked. He had lasted through all of them.

"Don' wanna." He mumbled out, eyes closing.

"Come on baby, we'll help you." Jack said, picking him up.

Jonah whined and held his head to Jacks chest, listening to his heartbeat.

Jack carried his boyfriend to the hotel shower, everyone else following them. Due to previous activities, they didn't have to undress before all of them jumped into the shower, Jonah in the middle. Jack held him against his chest while Daniel stabilized his back.

Together, they got all of them cleaned and out of the shower.

"Jo, can you step into these baby?" Corbyn asked, trying to help him get into underwear.

All the other boys already had a pair on. Jonah just nodded. Zach was helping him stand up as he gingerly stepped into the underwear, wincing at the pain it caused in his backside.

Zach picked the boy up and carried him back to the bed. The boys all assumed the position they had left again, cuddling into Jonah. Corbyn set an alarm so they would wake up later for lunch before cuddling into Zach and falling asleep.


When Jonah woke up, Daniel was playing with his hair and lovingly staring at him.

"Good morning beautiful." He greeted.

Jonah smiled, sighing and leaning his head into Daniels touch.

"Are you okay?" Daniel asked, looking into his eyes.

Jonah knew he was asking if anything hurt. Or if he regretted it.

"I'm a bit sore. It was so worth it though." He smiled.

Daniel smiled back at him, creasing his brow slightly.

"Are you going to be able to do the interview?" The fake blonde asked.

"Yea, I should be able to." Jonah responded.

Jonah's stomach growled, causing Daniel to laugh slightly.

"C'mon, let's wake the others up and get lunch, Corbyns alarm should go off in five minutes anyways." Daniel said, shaking Jack.

Jonah turned towards Zach, leaving kisses up and down his face and jawline.

Zach giggled, turning towards the boy before kissing him properly.

"Hi baby." Zach greeted.

"Hi. Can you wake up Corbs." Jonah asked.

Zach nodded, playing with Corbyns hair until he woke up.

Once all of the boys were awake, Jonah stood up, immediately whimpering and laying back down on his stomach.

"Baby? Are you okay?" Jack asked, all the boys rushing towards him.

"Y-Yea. Just h-hurts to stand." Jonah breathed out.

"Well, looks like we have to carry you around all day." Corbyn smiled, picking the boy up.

"I gotta pee Corbs." Jonah mumbled against his chest.

"Okay bubba." Corbyn said, carrying him to the bathroom.

He helped Jonah stand and do his thing before picking him back up. Jonah's arms were around his neck and his legs were wrapped around his waist. He looked at himself in the mirror. To anyone else, he would look like he had been through hell and back.

His hair was messed up from being pulled at, and hickeys littered every part of his body. His lips were swollen and cut from the boys biting and kissing them. He had nail marks streamed all over his body, some from the boys and some from himself.

He smiled, he felt amazing.

Jonah put his head in Corbyns neck, sighing at the comfort he found.

Corbyn just smiled back, leading him to the bed where they had ordered room service.


"We gotta go, Jo." Zach said.

Jonah just smiled, holding his arms out to he picked up by Zach.

"Big baby." Zach chuckled, rolling his eyes.

Nevertheless, he happily picked him up, bopping his nose.

Jonah tucked his head into Zach's collarbone, causing the younger to giggle.

All the boys had finished lunch and gotten changed into clothes, and now they were heading towards their interview.

Zach walked out of the room with Jonah, the rest of the boys following. Walking out of the hotel, they were immediately met with the sounds of screaming girls.

The boys were all in an open relationship with each other, so Zach knew it didn't matter. Once he stepped out carrying Jonah screams of 'happy birthday Jonah!' and 'aww' were heard everywhere. He smiled at some of them, walking into the tour bus.

They drove to the venue, Zach cuddling Jonah the whole way there.


*10 minutes before the interview*

"Holy shit Jonah!" Jon said, seeing him being carried into hair and makeup.

"Hi Jon." Jonah said, voice raspy and sore from having... fun earlier.

"Dear god, what happened?" He asked.

Jonah just blushed and hid his face into Jack who was carrying him.

It took the entire time, but they got him looking presentable right before the interview started.

Daniel carried him in and sat down with Jonah in his lap.


"I love all of you." Jonah mumbled later that night when they were all in the bed of another hotel.

"We love you too, J." Jack said, stroking his hair.

"So... round two?" Jonah asked, causing all of the boys to pop up and start removing their clothes.

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