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I'm so sorry I don't know what this is it's 1 A.M. and I can't get this off my mind. This will be extremely short.


"Baby please." Jonah sobbed, watching the blonde haired boy walk out the door.

"I need time Jonah. Leave me alone." He replied, grabbing his keys and leaving.

Jonah fell to his knees as Daniel closed the door.

*3 days later*

Daniel had left, and none of the boys could get in touch with him.

All of the boys had tried to help Jonah, but nothing was working. He wanted Daniel.

They tried to force him to eat, but it didn't work. No matter how much they shoved down his throat he always threw it up.

They tried to force him to drink, but he would just spit it back out at them.

They tried to force him to sleep, but that never happened. One of the boys always had to stay with him while he cried himself to sleep at night.

Jonah was a mess, and the boys didn't know how to fix it.

-Daniels POV-

I can't do it anymore.

Three days in a stupid hotel without my baby. I just wanted to prove a point, but he probably doesn't want me back anymore.

God, why am I so stupid?

I grabbed my stuff and ran out of the hotel to my car. I quickly drove home, ignoring all the speed limit signs.

I drove into the driveway, not bothering to lock my car as I ran to the door. I unlocked it and threw the door open, rushing towards the living room.

My heart shattered at what I saw.

None of the boys had noticed me yet. Jonah was sitting beside Zach, his head held in his chest. Jonah was sobbing, hiccuping out rough breaths. He was trembling and trying to speak.

"H-he doesn't l-love me. I-I can't l-live without h-him." He sobbed.

My heart clenched at seeing him like this.

Zach held him protectively close, and Corbyn and Jack were on the floor in front of them, trying to comfort him anyway they could.

Suddenly, Jack looked up from the ground. His eyes locked with mine as his expression hardened and his eyes turned steely.

He stood up, drawing the attention of Corbyn. He walked over to me, grabbing my arm and harshly pulling me into the hallway.

I began to choke as he wrapped a hand around my throat and lifted me up.

"What the hell do you think you're doing here? You left him Daniel, you caused him to be like this. You don't deserve to come back." He growled.

"Please. I love him." I choked out.

Jacks gazed softened ever so slightly as he set me back down.

"Fix him." He said coldly.

I nodded and ran back into the living room. I sat down beside Jonah, placing a hand on his back.

"Baby?" I asked quietly.

Immediately Jonah looked towards me, eyes wide. He practically jumped into my arms, trembling as he cried into my shoulder.

"I'm so sorry Dani, I didn't mean to be annoying, I love you, I'll never do it again." He rushed out in one breath.

"Shh, baby none of that. It's my fault. I'm so sorry, I love you so much." I said, running a hand up and down his back.

And that's how he fell asleep, in my arms with a smile.

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