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Sorry it's so short. Just a small idea I had. Love y'all, leave comments!


Ever since Jonah could remember, he's been scared of planes. He hated heights and small spaces, and those two things combined were never a good mix for him.

Of course, the boys knew about his fear the second they boarded a plane for the first time and he had a panic attack. But because of how much the band had grown, they were going to have to take a private plane all the way back to America from Europe.

Private planes were smaller than commercial flights, and Jonah was already freaking out. He'd been anxious all morning, and his boyfriends could tell.

They were currently waiting for their car to arrive, Jonah pacing around in the lobby of their hotel.

"Jo, baby come sit down." Daniel said, looking up at the fretting boy.

"I'm okay." Jonah said, a tight smile on his lips.

"It's gonna be okay Jo, we'll be right there." Zach comforted, standing up and grabbing Jonahs hand, making him stop pacing.

"Yea... I guess." Jonah trailed off.

It's not that he didn't trust his boyfriends, it's that he genuinely had a fear of planes. It was so all consuming even his boyfriends couldn't help him.

Their ride finally arrived, all of the boys throwing their stuff into the trunk and getting in the car. Jonah sat in the middle between Daniel and Corbyn while Jack and Zach sat in the back, seeing as they were the smallest.

Jonah smiled at Corbyn as he took Jonahs hand in his own. He rubbed over his knuckles gently, smiling at the worried boy. Jonah just laid his head down on Daniels shoulder, sighing as he began to run a hand through his hair.

Eventually the boys pulled up beside the private jet, and Jonah's breath caught in his throat when he saw how small it was. Daniel noticed this and kissed his forehead. The staff started to get their suitcases out of the back, making Jonah panic more.

They all got out, and Jack was the first to notice how the boy was shaking. Jack walked up to him and held his hand, taking his carry on out of his hand and holding it in his own. He rubbed over the shaking boys knuckles, walking them over to the ramp.

Jon and Eben were already on the plane waiting for them, watching from the small windows as Jonah shook his head frantically and pulled back from Jack as they approached the steps.

All the boys immediately rushed to Jonah.

"Jo, baby we gotta go." Corbyn said to him.

"Don't wanna." Jonah said, eyes wide.

"Come on baby, it'll be okay." Jack coaxed.

"N-no it w-won't." Jonah croaked out, tears falling down his cheeks.

"Hold this." Zach said, handing his carry-on to Daniel.

Zach walked up to Jonah, pulling him in a tight hug. Jonah hugged back, shoving his face in Zach's chest. The younger boy had grown considerably, and could easily hold Jonah.

"Listen to me Bear. I love you so much, all the boys do. We wouldn't do anything to hurt you. Never. I promise as soon as we get home we'll all cuddle and watch movies and relax, but to do that we have to make it home. You're so brave jo, you've done so much more than this. Please baby, don't make this hard." Zach said to him.

Jonah just nodded against Zach's chest, a few more tears falling from his eyes. Zach picked him up and set him on his hip, heading towards the plane. The boys walked in front of them, going to the back of the plane and setting all their stuff down.

There was a large portion of seats in the back where all the boys could sit and face each other. Zach sat down with Jonah. The older boy had silent tears falling from his eyes.

"J..." Corbyn cooed, wiping them away quickly.

"Okay boys, were about to take off!" Jon yelled from the front.

At that Jonah whimpered and tucked his face in Zach's neck to hide his eyes. Zach could feel the hot tears coming from his boyfriend and rubbed his back. All the other boys had to sit back in their seats for the take off, but we're trying to comfort Jonah with words. Zach held him tightly, noticing how hard he was shaking.

"Jonah, breathe." Zach said, rubbing his back.

But Jonah wasn't able to, all he could think about was the plane about to take off. At this rate the boy would pass out by the time the plane was steadily in the sky.

As the plane started rolling forward Jonah lifted up his head and practically jumped into Daniels arms. Daniel was always the best at comforting Jonah, all the boys knew that. The brunette just seemed to gravitate towards the fake blonde.

Jonah trembled in his hold, resting his head on his chest. Daniel turned them so Jonah was holding him almost like a koala, Daniel rubbing up and down his back as Jonah kept his head in Daniels collarbone.

Daniel held him close as they began to lift off of the ground.

"Breathe J, come on. It's okay, it'll all be over soon." Daniel soothed.

Jonah tried to breathe in, but he couldn't. He was too focused on how he was becoming higher and higher and how the plane was getting smaller and smaller.

"Jonah, breathe. Focus on me. Breathe." Daniel instructed.

That's why Jonah was so comforted by him. He always had a voice of finality. Daniel ran a hand through Jonah's hair, smiling when he began to breathe again.

"Good job baby. Just keep breathing with me." Daniel comforted.

Once they were stabilized the other boys immediately rushed over to the pair, beginning to comfort Jonah.

Jonah turned so he was facing the boys, smiling at them even though he was terrified. His eyes drooped slightly.

"Are you tired baby?" Jack asked.

Jonah just hummed, nodding slightly.

"Sleep JJ. We'll be here when you wake up." Corbyn soothed.

And Jonah did.


When Jonah woke up, he was being shaken awake by Jack.

"We're here baby." Jack smiled at him.

Jonah looked out of his window to see they had landed. He smiled at his boyfriends and kissed and hugged them all.

"What was that for?" Corbyn giggled.

"Protecting me." Jonah smiled.

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