Broken arms and cuddles

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This request is for StylesHoranTomilson I hope you like it! If you don't let me know and I can rewrite it!


Jonah woke up first as usual, going down stairs and making a cup of coffee. Jonah reached out to grab the cup, pausing when he felt his phone buzz.

He sighed and took it out of his pocket, expecting to see a text from Jon reminding them they had a interview later that night. Instead, a text in the boys group chat popped up. He immediately opened it, concern washing over him at thinking one of the boys was awake at this hour. Jonah being the mom knew the boys needed their sleep, and would be tired later on if they didn't get sleep.

It briefly crossed Jonah's mind that it was kind of hypocritical seeing as how he went to bed later than everyone else and woke up much earlier. Oh well.

He read the simple message.

ZayBae- Anyone awake?

Jonah left the coffee without hesitation, running up to Zach and Jacks room to see if they were okay. He slowly opened the door, peeling his head in to see the two younger boys cuddling up into each other.

"Is everything okay?" Jonah asked.

"W-we had a n-nightmare." Jack stuttered out.

Jonah had to chuckle a little at that. The two boys had to do everything together, even down to dreaming.

"It's 4 am. You both need to go back to sleep." Jonah said, sitting down on the edge of the bed and rubbing Zachs thigh.

"So do you. Will you sleep with us?" Zach asked, puppy eyes displayed.

"Scoot over." Jonah sighed, laying in the middle of them.

Both the boys immediately split apart, cuddling into the oldest as soon as he was under the covers. Both of them compressed Jonah in between them, their breathing eventually evening out as Jonah rubbed up and down their backs.

The two boys slowly fell back asleep, Jonah smiling down at their sleeping figures.

Now, Jonah had fully intended to cuddle them and leave back towards the kitchen, but was so comfortable he ended up falling asleep.


"Jonah? Jo, baby wake up." Daniel said, shaking his boyfriends shoulder.

Jonah groaned slightly and cuddled further into Zach.

"C'mon babe, don't wake them up." Daniel whispered, helping Jonah slowly get out of bed.

Daniel picked his boyfriend up with his legs wrapped around his waist and arms around his neck. Daniel supported him by his waist and ran a gentle hand over his back.

He walked them out of the room and down into the kitchen, setting Jonah down on the counter.

"I'm sorry for waking you up baby, I just wanted to be sure you were okay. You never sleep this late. I was worried that if you kept sleeping then you wouldn't be able to sleep tonight." Daniel said, setting him on the counter.

Daniel stood in between Jonah's parted legs, holding his waist and letting Jonah put his head in the crook of his neck.

"S'okay."Jonah slurred out.

"You wake some coffee?" Daniel asked, noticing Jonah's forgotten coffee on the table.

"Yea." Jonah said, watching as the younger put the mug into the microwave to heat it up again.

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