Colds and Cuddles

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Hey y'all! This request is for alldancer123 and EllaBear23 I joined their requests together because they were very similar.

Hope you guys like it!!!

Also this is Donah but they aren't dating... yet

FLUFF WARNING (this got WAY more fluff than originally intended I'm sorry)

"Jo? Come on, we gotta wake up." Daniel said, shaking his shoulder.

Jonah groaned and turned over, sniffling as he felt his nose beginning to run.

"Jo have you been crying?" The fake blonde asked, running a hand through his hair.

"What? No." Jonah replied, realizing how stuffy he sounded.

"Your eyes are red and you're sniffling. Your voice doesn't sound too good either, are you feeling okay?" Daniel asked.

"Mm. Think I have a cold." Jonah replied, sighing as Daniel ran a hand through his hair.

The younger boy felt his forehead and cheeks with his hand, sighing as he pulled the bunk curtain the rest of the way back.

"You do feel warm... we really can't get out of our interviews today. Do you feel okay to do them?" Daniel asked.

"Yea." Jonah answered, but sneezed as he said so.

"Mhm." Daniel hummed back, knowing that even though he said he would be fine, the older boy probably didn't feel great.

"Mkay, lets get you out of bed." Daniel said, hoisting the older boy out of bed and setting him on his hip.

Jonah put his congested head in the crook of the fake blondes neck, shivering at how cold he was.

He was glad Daniel couldn't see his blush when he cooed at him, rubbing his arm up and down.

Sure, he liked Daniel. A lot more than friends would... but Jonah wasn't gay.

Was he?

His thoughts were interrupted as he was sat down on the couch.

"Awww Jo, what's wrong?" Zach asked.

"M sick." He responded simply, leaning back into the cold leather.

"Are you gonna make it through the day?" Corbyn asked, looking up from his phone.

"Yea." Jonah snuffed out.

He sneezed as his body jolted forward, making his head that already felt full throb.

Daniel walked up to the boy, sitting down beside him and running a hand through his hair.

"Were almost at the first interview site. Are you gonna be able to make it?" The fake blonde asked.

Jonah just shrugged, leaning into the comfort of Daniel. He liked the boy, as more than just friends. But he couldn't tell him, Daniel surely wouldn't feel the same about him.

The boys heard screaming as they pulled up to the first interview.

Jonah coughed harshly into his sleeve, making Daniel rub his back gently. He sniffled as he leaned back, his throat burning from how harsh he had been coughing.

"Hey Jo, calm down bubba. It's okay. We gotta get out of the bus." Daniel tried to calm down his boyfriend.

No... not boyfriend. Boy who is a friend. Yea Daniel, why would you ever think he was your boyfriend? He won't like you back anyways.

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