Will you stay with me?

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Hey y'all! Back at it with requests! Do this one is for Benitoj05 Hope you like it! If you don't let me know and I'll rewrite it❤️


"What the hell Zach?!" Jonah screamed at his boyfriend, fuming.

"Jonah, why are you being so sensitive about this?" Zach yelled back.

The pair were fighting in the kitchen, and the rest of the boys were watching with stunned expressions, feet glued to the ground.

"Why am I being so sensitive about this?! Zach, you broke my laptop! It had all of our music on there!" Jonah shouted.

Jonah was beginning to turn red, and it worried all the boys. Zach however, kept yelling back.

"I didn't mean to! I couldn't see you were holding it when I pushed you into the pool!"
Zach explained, voice coming back down to a relatively normal volume.

Jonah walked up to Zach, breathing hard. He towered over Zach by at least half an inch, and his face was full of anger. The oldests fists were balled up at his side, and for a minute the rest of the boys were worried Jonah might punch Zach.

"You're so fucking dumb Zach." Jonah said, grabbing his hoodie and walking out of the house.

Zach stood in shock. Jonah had never called him dumb, not when he knew how much it hurt Zach. Jonah knew how hard it was for Zach to learn in high school. He knew about all of the bullies that called him stupid. Jonah promised him he would never think of him that way.

Zach fell to the floor, sobbing. All the other boys snapped out of their trance, running to Zach.

Corbyn held him against his chest. "Shhh, it's okay Bub, it's okay. He probably just needs time to cool off, alright? It'll be fine baby."

Zach heaved on more sobs. "He h-hates m-me."

"No he doesn't love, he's just upset. Give him a few hours and it'll be fine." Daniel comforted, running a hand through his hair.

Jonah however, was not fine. He stormed through the streets of LA, not even bothering to stop and talk to fans who noticed him. Usually, if someone recognized him and he could tell they were too shy to say hello, he would go say hi to them. Today, he marched right past them.

At some point, he started running. He wasn't sure when though, his vision was blurred with red, and he was too distracted to notice the world moving around him.

He was too distracted to see the car coming towards him.

He felt it though. He felt himself being hit hard and thrown through the air. He knew he had multiple bones break when he landed.

He knew he hit is head.

He couldn't see. But this time, not from anger. From the haziness of his eyes after hitting the ground.

He felt blood running from his nose and ear.

He felt hands all over him, and heard lots of people shouting, but he didn't know what they were saying.

It sounded like... numbers? Yes, like numbers were being yelled.

Jonah tried to pick them out. 1? 8? No, 9! Yes, a nine and a one.

Jonah passed out.


When Jonah woke up, it was to a steady and annoying beeping. A sterile smell filled his nose, and metal was clanking slightly. Multiple people were talking.

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