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I'm so sorry for this awful piece of writing.

All the boys are dating in this.

Also this is short


"C'mon Jonah, just have one drink with me. We're 21 dude!" Corbyn exclaimed, trying to convince his boyfriend to have a glass of champagne with him since it was New Years.

"No Corbs, I don't want to set a bad example for the rest of the boys, plus, I don't even like alcohol." Jonah said, rolling his eyes at Corbyn.

——30 min later——

"HAPPY NEW YEARS FUCKERS!!!" Jonah yelled, piss drunk.

The brunette jumped down from the table he was standing on, wobbling everywhere.

Corbyns eyes widened as he tried to laugh, but knew he couldn't because he had technically caused this.

"Jonah, I think it's time we go home now, the boys will be waiting for us." Corbyn tried, pulling Jonah towards the door.

"Hey Jonah, wanna do more jaagerbombs?" Someone yelled from the crowd.

"Fuck yea!" Jonah yelled.

"Hell no, we need to leave Jo." Corbyn said, pulling him out of the house with the party and picking Jonah up, carrying him towards their car.

About five feet before they got to the car, Jonah heaved in Corbyns arms.

The blonde quickly set him down, rubbing his back as he retched and projectile vomited over the ground.

"You okay now bub?" Corbyn asked when he was done.

"That hurt. Can we get burgers?" A drunken Jonah slurred out.

"Damn I'm in trouble when you wake up in the morning. Come on, let's go." He said, hoisting him up.

Corbyn laid him down in the backseat, quickly speeding home, laughing at Jonahs drunken comments. He took a breath before picking him up bridal style, carrying him into the house.

"Hey guys we're home!" Corbyn yelled out, prompting all of his boyfriends to run out and gasp at the sight of a passed out Jonah.

"Oh my god what happened?" Daniel asked, running up to take Jonah out of Corbyns arms.

"Jonah didn't want to drink so I wanted him to loosen up so I made him drink two drinks and guilt tripped him into taking a few shots and then he got really drunk and then he threw up and then he passed out and now we're here." Corbyn rushed out, scared they would be mad at him.

"Okay, I'm gonna take him to bed." Daniel said, the rest of the boys following.

Together they all managed to get him undressed and into sweats and a t-shirt. He woke up momentarily in their hold, only to puke down the from of Jacks shirt.

Finally, they had him semi-conscious and in bed, a bucket on the ground beside him. Sweat matter his hair to his forehead as he giggled over nothing, then threw up.

"Damn I didn't know he was such a lightweight." Zach muttered.

"Language." Corbyn scolded firmly.

Zach ducked his head down before yawning, and all of them realized it was almost 3 in the morning.

"I'll stay with him tonight, you guys go get some rest." Daniel said gently, laying in bed with Jonah.

The drunken brunette immediately cuddled into Daniel, his energy seeming to leave his body as his breaths evened out against Daniels bare chest.

"Okay, we love you Jo. See you in the morning." Jack said, all of them kissing each other goodnight before Corbyn, Zach, and Jack went to go sleep.

Jonah whimpered slightly against Daniels chest, causing the blonde to frown.

"You okay bubs?" He asked gently, running a hand up and down his back.

"S not g'unna be good in 'a mornin'." He slurred out.

"No baby, it's not. Just try to sleep, I'll be here when you wake up." He soothed, relaxing and falling asleep as soon as Jonah did.


Daniel woke up to the sound of soft crying and his chest being wet. He opened his eyes to see Jonahs head buried under the covers with his head on his chest, crying softly.

"Jo? Baby, hey what's wrong?" Daniel asked.

Sure, he knew Jonah had a hangover and although he didn't know what that felt like, he didn't think it would be bad enough for Jonah to cry.

"Everything." He sobbed out, curling closer to Daniel.

"Shh princess it's okay. Here, give me one second and we can figure something out." The blonde said gently.

"Please stop yelling." Jonah sobbed out, clutching his head.

"I'm not baby, it must just be your ears." Daniel whispered, getting out of bed.

He quickly shut the blinds so the room was very dim, and grabbed a pair of glasses and headphones before walking back over to the boy.

He sat Jonah up so he was sitting in his lap before putting on the headphones and sunglasses.

"Better?" Daniel asked, knowing the headphones would quiet down his voice.

"Much." Jonah sighed, snuggling back into the blonde.

"You wanna go get food? Or see the other boys?" Daniel offered, holding him close.

"Can the boys come up here?" He asked quietly.

"Of course. Give me two minutes to text them." Daniel said, quickly texting the boys and wrapping his arms back around Jonah.

The boys all rushed in, quickly taking seats around the bed to be with the oldest.

"Hey baby, how you doing?" Zach asked gently, rubbing his arm.

Jonah just whimpered, scooting closer to Zach until the youngest was holding him and rocking them back and forth.

"I'm sorry Jo, I didn't mean for this to happen." Corbyn whispered, running a hand through his hair.

"S'okay. But never again." He replied, deathly serious.


"HAPPY FUCKING BIRTHDAY BITCH!" Jonah yelled at Daniel, once again drunk.

"Dear god..." Daniel chuckled, beginning to look around for the glasses and headphones Jonah would surely need in the morning.

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