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Hey y'all! This was requested by SUPERSILLYSEAVEY I hope you like it!

Also I'm sorry I haven't updated in a while, I've been going through some stuff. I love you guys

Also this is Donah

"C'mon Jo, it's time to wake up baby." Daniel said, rubbing Jonahs cheek to help him wake up.

"Mmm m' tired." Jonah whined back, burying his face into the covers.

"I know baby, I know. Just... we have to get up princess." Daniel whispered, rubbing his boyfriends back.

The band had been going through press-filled days and all the boys were exhausted, but especially Jonah. Jonah would drive the car places while the others would sleep in the back. Jonah would clean the house once they got home at 1 am from a photo shoot. Jonah even did an interview all by himself yesterday because all the other boys were too tired to. Yesterday's free day for the rest of the boys made them rested and fresh for today. Jonah however, was holding on by a thread. He was exhausted.

"You wanna go get coffee?" Daniel asked him, running a hand through his hair.

"Yea..." Jonah breathed out, mentally prepping himself for being moved out of the covers.

Daniel reaches his hands under the fluffy covers, wrapping his hands around Jonahs waist. He pulled the brunette to the edge of the bed before picking him up, carrying Jonah on his hip.

Daniel adjusted him to feel comfortable and walked downstairs. The rest of the boys smiled as they came in, all sporting bright smiles and no bags under their eyes, unlike usual.

"Good morning!" Zach said to the pair.

Jonah lifted his head slightly enough to smile at them as Daniel chuckled.

"Good morning. Someone's a little tired." Daniel giggled, bouncing Jonah slightly to keep him awake.

"Yea I bet. Thank you so much Jo for doing that interview yesterday." Jack said.

"Yea, we'll try to take some of the pressure off of you at the show, okay?" Corbyn smiled at the sleepy brunette.

Jonah just nodded, burying his head into Daniels shoulder. Daniel chuckled and walked with him into the kitchen before setting him down on the counter.

"K hold on one second baby." The fake blonde instructed, making Jonah a pot of coffee.

While it was brewing, Daniel stood in between Jonahs legs.

"Dani 'm tired." Jonah whimpered, putting his head in the crook of Daniels neck.

"I know my love." He replied, rubbing gently over his knuckles.

Daniel soon felt hot tears running down his neck and frowned. He hated seeing Jonah hurting, and Jonah really didn't cry. So for him to cry over exhaustion must mean he was in bad shape.

"What if after the show tonight we come straight home and send the other boys to do tomorrow's interview? That way you can sleep as long as you want tonight and tomorrow." Daniel offered.

"Yea... okay." Jonah sniffed.

Finally, Jonah chugged down the coffee, feeling a little more awake. He held his arms out for Daniel again, who smiled and did so happily.

Boy was it going to be a long day.


Jonah had managed to stay awake the whole day, although he did snooze off slightly while he was getting his makeup done for the show. Thankfully, the manager hadn't made Jonah do sound check, letting him save his vocals and energy for the show.

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