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When Jonah awoke with a start, he knew it wasn't a good day and immediately had
to throw a hand over his mouth to keep himself from whimpering. He had just woken up from a fever dream and every part of his body hurt. He sighed as he stumbled over to his dresser and put on some clothes.

He aches all over, and he knew for sure he had a fever. Just as his hand was about to reach the door, Corbyn came in.

"Jonah?" Corbyn asked at the rough site of the older boy.

"H-hey Corbyn." Jonah croaked out, wincing slightly as how bad his throat hurt.

Corbyn took one look at Jonah up and down as his eyes immediately softened. "JoJo..."

Jonah didn't want Corbyn to know anything was wrong, so he smiled the best he could.

"I'm fine Corbs, just didn't get much sleep last night is all." The older boy insisted.

Jonah's stomach jerked as pain spiked through him. He bit into the inside of his cheek and tried to keep his eyes from watering, but he knew they were watering anyways.

Corbyn looked at him skeptically. For a fraction of a second Jonah almost thought he had gotten away. At least until Corbyn began shouting.

"Daniel, Jack, Zach!"

Jonah groaned at the pain that flared in his head when Corbyn yelled. Corbyn cooed and put his hand out to feel Jonah's forehead, which he quickly avoided.

"C'mere." Corbyn tried again, only to have his hand slapped away.

"You don't need to check for a fever. I'm not sick." Jonah croaked out.

By that time, the boys had run up the stairs and we're getting their first looks at a shivering Jonah.

"Buddy..." Daniel cooed out.

The other two boys looked at him with sympathetic looks in their eyes, knowing what was about to happen. The same thing that happened last time Jonah got sick, they were basically gonna have to force him to tell them.

Jonah whimpered as he saw them coming closer, knowing what was happening too.

"It's okay bud. We won't have to do anything if you'll just let me check your temperature. If you don't have a fever, we'll all give up." Corbyn said.

Jonah knew he had a fever, and a high one at that, so he knew he couldn't let the boys take his temperature. He saw an opening between Jack and Zach, and tried to make a run for it, but the two boys grabbed him. Daniel came from behind and wrapped his arms around his waist, pulling him down to the bed so that his head was in between Daniel's legs. Zach and Jack held down his feet while Corbyn put a leg on each side of his torso to take his temperature with a thermometer he had grabbed.

Corbyn made sure to steer clear of the boys stomach, he didn't know if it was hurting or not. Jonah knew they would know he was sick whenever Corbyn pried his mouth open and stuck the thermometer in, making sure his mouth was closed. He tried to fight back, but he didn't have the strength to. Jonah knew the second that they knew he had a temperature, they would all start to baby him. And he didn't need to be babied, he's 20 years old. The small device beeped as Corbyn looked at it and everyone loosened their hold.

"102.8. Jonah, that's a bad fever. We need to get it down baby. Jack, could you go grab a cold washcloth? Zach, go grab Jonah some shorts. Daniel, keep him in bed I'll go get medicine." Corbyn started handing out jobs.

Daniel immediately repositioned him and Jonah. He sat him up so that Jonah was sitting in his lap, Daniel rubbing his aching back comfortingly. Corbyn rushed off towards the medicine cabinet while Jack ran into the bathroom and Zach shifted through drawers.

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