House fire

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This request is for soccerlover2301 I hope you like it! Let me know if you don't and I'll rewrite it❤️


Jonah woke up before everyone else like every other day, rolling out of bed and walking down to the kitchen.

*Jonahs POV*

I walked downstairs into the kitchen, deciding to make breakfast as I knew the boys would be hungry when they woke up. They always are.

"I met her on a Monday evening..." I began to sing to our song What Am I.

I grabbed the bacon and eggs out of the fridge, putting them both in pans. I also grabbed bread and put it in the toaster.

"She was standing outside of the Park-and-Ride..." I continued, voice just a little bit louder.

I flipped the bacon and stirred the eggs before going over to grab juice from the fridge.

"And I said 'hey ma, where ya been?'" I sang out, pouring the juice into glasses.

"Been looking for a woman like you for all my life." Corbyn sang from behind me.

"Oh my god you scared me!" I yelled, jumping two feet in the air.

*no ones POV*

"Calm down! Whatcha doin?" Corbyn laughed.

"Well I was making breakfast." Jonah replied, heart still pounding.

"Ughhhh so boring. Come on, let's go write songs." Corbyn suggested bright-eyed.

And Jonah really wanted to tell him that they could write songs any other time, but those eyes got the best of him.

"Ugh, fine. Let's go I guess." Jonah said, turning off the eggs and bacon.

Corbyn grabbed his hand eagerly and running with him towards the music room. Jonah laughed the whole way he was dragged.

"Okay, so I've been writing this new song. It's called Smooth Charm." Corbyn said, putting a guitar on his lap and beginning to play it for the oldest. (Ps I really wanted that to be a song😭)

Corbyn sang the song, stopping and looking up at Jonah when he was done.

"It's great. Maybe we should add a piano in." Jonah said, walking over to the piano and nodding at Corbyn to start again.

It started off with just Corbyn playing the guitar, and then slowly Jonah came in with the piano.

"That sounds great!" Corbyn exclaimed, hugging Jonah.

Jonah laughed and hugged back. "Should we start finishing up the lyrics?"

The blonde-haired boys eyes lit up.

"Of course!" He exclaimed, going to get music sheets.

For the next hour and a half the boys finished the song, finally sighing and sitting back once they completed it.

"Hey Jo?" Corbyn asked, sitting up suddenly.

"What's wrong?" The older asked, opening his tired eyes slightly.

"Do you smell smoke?" Corbyn asked.

Jonah immediately bolted up, noticing the smell as well. He ran towards the smell to see the entire kitchen on fire, it was already beginning to spread to the hallway.

The toaster had caught on fire.

"Go get Daniel and get outside! I'll get Jack and Zach." Jonah yelled, both of them running up the stairs.

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