Fighting with Parents

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"I swear to god if you ever try to come home I'll kill you!" Jonahs dad screamed through the phone.

"Dad-" Jonah's voice broke, him sobbing.

"No Jonah, you don't have the right to call him that anymore, understand? Lose our numbers and address, and don't even think you're ever going to talk to your siblings again." His moms voice interjected.

"P-please!" Jonah cried, beginning to hyperventilate.

"Goodbye you son of a bitch." His dad ended the call.

Jonah fell off the couch onto the floor, tears streaming down his face.

It wasn't supposed to happen like this. Sure, he didn't expect his parents to be thrilled he was gay and dating his band mates, but he didn't expect them to disown him.

The brunette began to sob hard into his hands, he couldn't get his shaking under control.

The boys heard the commotion and all cane running down, trying to see what was wrong with him.

"Baby, baby what's wrong?" Zach asked gently.

"M-my mom and d-dad!" Jonah sobbed out, not able to finish his sentence.

Daniel pulled him up into his lap and wrapped his arm around him. All of the boys froze slightly, assuming the worst.

"Are they... hurt?" Jack asked quietly, all of them wondering if they were severely injured or worse.

"No." Jonah cried, shaking in Daniels hold.

"Baby what happened?" Corbyn whispered, running a hand up and down his back.

"They don't l-love me a-anymore! I t-told them a-about us a-and they s-said I wasn't their s-son anymore!" The brunette explained, sobbing into Daniels chest as he held tightly to his shirt.

"Oh baby..." Zach said, looking at all of his boyfriends.

All of their parents had accepted them, so they really didn't know what to do. They really didn't expect Jonahs parents to say he wasn't their son anymore.

"Baby listen to me, you are amazing. Me and the boys love you so much okay? Just take deep breaths, we'll work this out." Daniel said, holding him tighter.

All of the boys slowly calmed him down, helping him get his breathing under control.

"Now listen baby, it's okay. We all knew that there were going to be problems because most people don't accept who we are. And if your parents can't accept you, it's their loss. You're our world. We've got you now Jo, we've got you." Daniel said gently, hugging him tightly.

"What do you want to do J?" Jack asked, willing to do whatever he needed.

"C-can you call K-Keri and J-Jeff? I really need a hug from parents right n-now." He cried.

Daniels parents lived the closest, only two houses down so he knew they would be able to come. Corbyn quickly pulled out his phone, going into another room to explain the situation.

He came back in a few seconds later, walking to the door for when they arrived.

Zach held his arms out to Jonah, the oldest immediately crawling into them, setting his head on his shoulder.

The youngest wiped his tears, smiling sadly at his red eyes.

Five minutes passed before Daniels parents came in, their eyes immediately landing on a broken Jonah.

They gave hugs to all of the boys before walking over to Jonah and Zach.

"Hi Zach." Keri said, Jeffrey smiling at him.

"Hey." He smiled up at them, looking down at Jonah in his arms.

"Hi sweetheart." Keri smiled lovingly at Jonah.

The oldest immediately broke down, beginning to sob once again.

"Oh honey. Come here." She cooed, opening her arms.

Jonah immediately rushed into them, wrapping his arms around her tightly. Keri did the same, rubbing up and down his back gently. Jeff walked up and began running a hand through his hair, his other hand intertwined with Jonahs behind his wife's back.

"Come on sweetheart. Let's get you settled down, yeah?" She said gently.

Jonah nodded against her now wet shirt, hiccuping.

Keri looked to her husband who took Jonah in his hold, carrying him up the stairs.

She followed behind, stopping at the top of the stairs and turning to the four boys who had followed behind.

"Daniel, go get a cold wet washcloth. Jack and Corbyn I want you to go inside the room and help him get changed into clothes for bed, Jeff will help you too. Zach you stay here. Okay, go." She ordered like a true mother.

The youngest nervously fidgeted as the rest of his boyfriends left, looking up at her.

"Zach, sweetie is everything okay?" She asked.

"Yeah, I'm just worried about jo. He's never seemed so... broken." Zach whispered.

Keri engulfed him in a hug, shocking him but he wrapped his arms around her nonetheless.

"He's going to be fine Zach. Come on, let's go in, they should be done by now." She smiled at him, kissing Zach on the head.

The youngest followed her into the room, seeing Jonah laying on his side in sweatpants and a t-shirt, Jeff sitting on the side of the bed in front of his stomach and rubbing his back. Stray tears were running down his cheeks. Keri just cooed, walking over to him and setting his head in her lap.

"You'll be okay honey, it'll all be okay." She smiled.

And Jonah believed it, because it held an air of certainty that all mothers had in their voices.

Daniel came back with the cloth, bending down in front of Jonah and beginning to wipe the tear tracks off of his face, remembering what his mother would do when he would cry.

Keri looked at him with a smile, assuring him he was doing it right.

When all of the tears stopped and Daniel had cleaned his face, he kissed his lips softly.

"Love 'u." Jonah muttered out, eyes slipping closed.

"We love you too J." Jack smiled, him and all of the rest of the boys climbing into bed, pulling Jonah into the middle.

Jeff hugged all of the boys goodnight, leaving the house to start the car. Keri tucked all of them in, pulling the covers around each of their bodies.

She gently placed a kiss on each of their foreheads, telling each and every one of them she loved them and to have good dreams once her lips left their skin to go to the next in the bed.

When she got to Jonah, he leaned up to wrap his arms around her neck.

"Thank you." He whispered.

"You're welcome sweetheart. I love you." She whispered back.

And when she left their room, she turned off the lights, looking at all of the boys she considered to be her sons one last time before making sure all of their windows and doors were locked before leaving.

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