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Hey y'all! So after this I have one more oneshot to make and then I'm starting requests. Love y'all! Also this is unedited... sorry!

Sometimes Jonah wished his father wouldn't have told him just to "man up". Maybe he'd be different then. Maybe he would've told the boys he was wrong and he wouldn't be hurting so bad.

That's how he ended up in bed with a flaming migraine. The white hot pain brought tears to his eyes. He ran his hands over his face, trying to rub away the pain. Jonah had a migraine for the past two days, and refused to tell the boys, instead carrying on with all the interviews and photo shoots. Unfortunately, him going through all that work only made his head hurt worse, and he was on the verge of tears.

Jonah probably would have cried if it wasn't for Zach busting open the door and throwing open the curtains. Jonah let out a pained shriek as light flooded into his eyes, stabbing at his skull. Zach quickly closed the curtains back and ran to Jonah's side, trying to see what was wrong. It took everything inside of Jonah for him not to cry and whimper.

"Jo? What's wrong?" Zach asked innocently.

"I'm okay bud. Sorry I just got scared." Jonah said as loud as he could.

Every time he spoke pain flared through his jawbone.

"Okay... well we're having breakfast downstairs, so wake up lazy bones. We've got a free day today so we're gonna watch a movie." Zach said, throwing the covers off of Jonah and walking out of the room.

Zach's voice made Jonah's head hurt so bad that he had to clench his teeth together. He groaned and got out of bed, feeling lightheaded for a second before the pain returned. He slowly put on sweatpants and a t-shirt so that he could go downstairs. He really didn't want to eat and listen to the boys talk, but he knew if he didn't the boys would be worried. He grudgingly walked down the stairs, wincing when he heard Daniel's happy morning voice.

"Hey bro. We made you a plate." Corbyn said happily as he saw Jonah standing in the doorway.

Jonah fought off a wince. "Thanks."

Breakfast was torture, the boys kept wanting to talk to Jonah, and all Jonah wanted to do was feel better. He kept up His act though, smiling as best he could. Jonah really didn't want to eat, but he shoved food down his throat anyways.

"Okay, who wants to watch Ugly Dolls!" Zach exclaimed, already getting up and running to the living room.

Everyone but Jonah laughed, making his head pound. All the boys stood up and started walking to the living room, but Jonah had to stop on the way as he felt extremely dizzy.

"You coming Jo?" Daniel asked when he noticed Jonah wasn't with them anymore.

"Yea, I'm gonna clean the kitchen and I'll be there." Jonah said, smiling as best he could.

"Okay..." Daniel said, a little suspicious.

But Jonah would tell them if something was wrong, wouldn't he? Of course he would. With that thought the fake blonde left and went to sit with the other boys, leaving a spot on the couch for the oldest member.

Meanwhile, Jonah was still gripping onto the wall trying to not pass out. And if things couldn't get any worse, Jonah had to throw a hand over his mouth as he felt bile rising up his throat. He quickly abandoned being dizzy and bolted to the bathroom, getting on his knees in front of the toilet and immediately throwing up everything he had eaten. Hot tears leaked down his face as he choked on the disgusting substance coming out of his mouth. He let out a quiet sob before deciding he was done and leaning back, hand rested protectively over his stomach. Once he could breathe properly again, he flushed the toilet and stood up, leaning heavily against the sink. Looking in the mirror, he noticed tear tracks were still on his face and he was sweating. He tried to rub off the tear tracks and sweat before finding out his mouth and leaving the bathroom.

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