Chapter 2: Idea

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Beating the initial rush of students flooding out of the school was a miracle for me. I had no idea how I had made it. I guess I had practice running around when the vampires were after us. Peridot, of course, had gotten out of the school minutes before by sneakily running at full speed. The moment she saw me, she smiled and took my hand.

"Ready for break?" She asked.

"Yeah," I answered. "I need a vacation."

"My mom already called your dad," Peridot said. "You're coming with me today. I've finally started to close in on my plans. Your dad is packing your bags, and we'll be leaving tomorrow."

"Where are we going?" I asked.

"I'm still thinking about two places, but I know that we're going to be staying somewhere together," Peridot answered. "Let's get in my car and go to my house. We'll finish this discussion there."

We got into her car, and Peridot drove us to her house. Frost appeared on the windows as we drove. It was the middle of February, after all.

Peridot let me out of the car and led me inside. Yellow was there, and she smiled when she saw me.

"There's Lapis!" She exclaimed. "The other daughter I never had!"

"Hello, Ms. Diamond," I responded.

"Oh, please," Yellow said. "You're family. I'm Yellow."

"Okay," I replied. "So I hear that there have been some vacation plans going around."

"Oh, yes!" Yellow exclaimed. "Peridot's been raving about her plans with you all week."

I looked at Peridot, whose face had turned a light shade of pink. "It's true," she said, nervously rubbing the back of her neck.

"She wants to spend every last second of her life with you," Yellow added.

"Also true." Peridot looked away, still blushing.

"You have special plans?" I asked.

"Very special," Peridot replied.

"You've got to decide tonight, Peridot," Yellow said. "Larimar wants to know where you're taking Lapis. You need to decide."

"I'll decide," Peridot responded. "I'll have my decision before the next hour passes."

"Are you sure you can make up your mind that fast?" I asked.

"I'm sure," Peridot answered. "I've fought vampires. If that's not making quick decisions, I don't know what is."

"True," I responded.

"Just hang out for a bit. I promise that I'll have my decision," Peridot said.

We sat on the couch and snuggled up close to each other. If Peridot made her decision, that would be our entire vacation. I couldn't help but to smile at the thought. I wanted a long vacation with her. I wanted to be with her without my dad questioning her every move, despite how funny I thought it was. I wanted time alone with her. I had enough exposure to people throughout the school year.

"Where are you gonna take me?" I asked.

"I'm either taking you to a nice little house with a pool and other stuff or a little place on another beach," Peridot answered. "Any preferences?"

"I'm not sure," I responded. "I'd honestly be fine just being with you anywhere."

"I want you to be happy," Peridot said. "If you have a preference, tell me, and we'll go to that place."

"I really don't know," I replied. "I really don't have a preference."

"Do you need a little bit to think?" Peridot asked.

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