Chapter 39: Hatred

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Two days later, Peridot was still awake. She had been awake the night before. The night before that, I had managed to convince her to sleep. Even though they were both protecting us, nothing changed between Peridot and Topaz. They didn't say a word to each other. Peridot didn't look at Topaz maliciously as often, and Topaz didn't show much emotion at all. All I could see in her face was the guilt of her past. I hadn't seen a time that she hadn't looked like that since she had come to stay with us. She probably felt worse now that her siblings were supposedly out for us.

It was early morning that day, and I was spending my first moments awake holding Turquoise in my arms. She was happy to be with me. She was curiously reaching toward my face and making her little noises.

"You're a very pretty baby," I cooed. "You know that?"

Turquoise made a happy noise and laid her hand on my chest. She was so warm. She looked too small and innocent to be a werewolf. She looked too defenseless. I knew eventually I would be calling that thought wrong. For now, I just decided that she was my baby. Just my little baby. Peridot walked in and scouted around the room. After looking at the window and in the closet, she decided her search in our room was done. She came and sat next to me for a moment, kissing Turquoise's little head. Turquoise happily reached toward Peridot, who took her tiny hand carefully.

"I have to go now," Peridot said quietly, leaning toward the baby. "I have to keep you and Mommy safe."

Turquoise seemed confused as Peridot pulled away from her. She began to cry quietly. Peridot sighed and leaned in again, kissing her cheek.

"I love you," she whispered. "I'll be back soon, I promise. Just stay with Mommy."

Turquoise laid her head on my chest and calmed down, eventually closing her eyes and falling asleep. Peridot very quickly pressed a kiss to my cheek before ultimately leaving the room. All I could hear was the quiet sound of Turquoise's breathing and Peridot's footsteps. Topaz's footsteps were so light and graceful that I could only make them out when she came near. As Turquoise began to wake up again, I hummed to her so she'd fall back asleep. She closed her eyes and snuggled even closer to me. I held her there, smiling. I loved her so much. I wanted her to be safe.

"Do you see anything?" I heard Peridot ask.

"Not yet," Topaz answered. "I have no idea if they're even here."

"I don't smell anything either," Peridot said.

"Neither do I," Topaz responded.

"Should I check on Lapis again?" Peridot asked.

"If you'd like," Topaz answered. "She's still alive. I can smell her."

"I-I know she's alive," Peridot said in a not-so-confident tone. "I-I just wanna check on her!"

As I expected, Peridot stomped into the room, her face pink. She walked up to me and wrapped her arms around me, burying her nose in my hair.

"You're okay," she whispered.

"Of course I am," I replied. "I've just been here the whole time."

"Who knows," Peridot said. "These vampires can get in through the windows easily." She looked down at little Turquoise, who had awoken to the sound of her voice. "Hi, baby."

Turquoise made a noise and looked around. I focused back on Peridot. We looked straight into each other's eyes for a little bit. I felt like there was an electric current between us. Connecting us. Powering us. I blushed and looked back down at Turquoise, who seemed to be focused on something else.

"What are you looking at, Turquoise?" I asked playfully.

Peridot followed Turquoise's gaze, and her face went blank. Suddenly, she was shifted into a pounce position. That meant nothing good.

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