Chapter 38: Rumors

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The next morning, Topaz was gone, likely to feed. She and Peridot had made an agreement that if she was going to stay, she was going to have to feed at least twice a week to keep any worry of her thirst overtaking her at a minimum. Peridot was very much enjoying the time without the vampire, but Turquoise was looking around for her as if she were family. She wasn't upset without Topaz. She only wondered where she was. I tried to tell her, and she seemed to partially understand, but not fully. She was a baby after all.

"Wasn't Topaz supposed to be back by now?" I asked as Peridot walked by.

"I don't know," Peridot answered. "And really, I don't mind. The longer she's gone, the better."

"Peri..." I growled. "Are you really going to keep acting like this?"

"Am I gonna have to keep telling you my reasons?" Peridot responded.

"This isn't healthy for us, Peridot," I said, standing up. "It's not healthy for us to keep having this same conversation. It's not healthy for Turquoise or anyone. We need to decide what we're going to do and go through with it."

"But we're—"

"I know you're 'natural enemies'!" I exclaimed. "But that doesn't mean you have to be! All you have to do is try to be friendly!" I looked her right in the eyes. "Maybe you two will find that you have something in common."

"A werewolf having something in common with a vampire?" Peridot asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Yeah," I answered. "Who knows. I bet you two have at least one thing in common."

"...why do I feel like you're right?" Peridot asked.

"Maybe I am," I answered. "Maybe you should try to find that something in common."

Peridot shrugged. "I don't know," she said. "I really just...don't trust her."

"You don't have to," I replied. "But you can be nice."

Peridot started at me for a moment before finally sitting down next to me. I laid my head on her shoulder and sighed. I was nearly relaxed. I just didn't understand why Peridot couldn't give Topaz a chance. They both loved family. They had that in common, but Peridot had never wanted to get into that conversation.

"Lapis?" Peridot asked.

"Yeah?" I responded.

"'ll stay with me, won't you?" Peridot asked.

"Of course," I answered. "Why wouldn't I?"

Peridot shrugged. "Maybe I'll bug you to the point of leaving," she suggested.

"You can be stubborn," I said. "But that doesn't mean I'll leave you. I love you."

"I love you too," Peridot replied.

"You're trying to get me to calm down about your view on Topaz, aren't you?" I asked.

"Maybe," Peridot answered.

"You need to try to be nicer to her," I said. "If you don't, I'm gonna have to punish you."

"How are you going to punish me?" Peridot asked, clearly unthreatened.

"I'm gonna make you sleep on the couch," I answered.

"Hey," Peridot whined, grinning a little. "That's not very nice."

"So be nice," I said.

I kept my head on Peridot's shoulders, nearly falling asleep. The only thing that kept me from falling asleep in the first place was the door suddenly flying open. This made Turquoise start to squirm. I rocked her until she calmed down again and was happy. Peridot looked over at the door faster than I did afterward. We both saw quickly that it was Topaz, who was breathing hard and almost limping over herself.

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