Chapter 45: Safe

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Peridot's stressed sobs echoed throughout the room as she wrapped her arms around me. She looked down at Turquoise and kissed her forehead. The smile on her face sent no other message other than she was ecstatic to see that we were alive.

"Pink told me," she said through her sobs. "I was scared for your lives."

"She's a good person," I responded. "The moment we realized we went underwater, she was out of her seat getting Turquoise to the surface."

"She has her priorities in order," Peridot said. "And she's very family oriented. She knows what the baby means to us."

I felt Turquoise shivering again, and Peridot's worried expression returned. I stood up and walked to the bathroom. Immediately, Peridot followed me.

"What are you doing?" She asked.

"Giving Turquoise a warm bath," I answered. "She's really cold and, like the rest of us, wet with salt water."

I turned on the bath water and let it warm up as I unwrapped Turquoise and undressed her. I gave her sopping wet onesie to Peridot, who eagerly ran off to put it in the washing machine. When Peridot returned, I had placed Turquoise in the water and was beginning to wash her off. She was content as I soaped her body, focusing on the liquid around her. I smiled. So sweet.

"You smell like salt water," Peridot said, taking a sniff of my hair.

"Yeah," I responded. "I probably need to take a shower when I'm done washing Turquoise."

I pulled Turquoise out of the bath when she was fully washed. I wrapped her in a fresh bath towel and rubbed her hair with it until it was only damp. Turquoise was fascinated by the softness of the towel the whole time.

"Are you Mama's baby?" I asked, leaning in.

Turquoise looked right at me and made a noise, then placing her hand on my nose.

"Yes, she is," Peridot answered me, holding the baby's free hand.

Turquoise waved her arms and made even more noises. She was so happy to be with us. I couldn't hold back my smile.

Peridot watched while I dressed Turquoise in a new onesie to replace her wet one. The little baby was entertained the whole time by sucking on her own fingers. I sighed. She was hungry. That made sense, anyway. I cradled her then and fed her, not minding that Peridot was there. It was a sight she had gotten used to.

"It still baffles me," Peridot said suddenly.

"What?" I asked, looking at her.

"You were seventeen when you became pregnant," Peridot answered. Her face was curious.

"Yeah," I sighed. "I know we're was an impulsive decision, anyway. But we've handled it, haven't we?"

"Yes," Peridot answered me. "We've handled it surprisingly well."

I kissed her cheek and watched as her cheeks turned a light shade of pink. I caressed her cheek, and she leaned against my hand. Turquoise was in between us, falling asleep on our chests.

"Baby..." I said quietly.

"Our beautiful baby," Peridot replied.

I stood up, brushing my wet hair back with my fingers. "I guess I have to take a shower now," I said.

"Would it be alright with you if I joined you?" Peridot asked, her face becoming pink again.

"...y-yeah," I answered. "I don't mind."

Peridot left the room to give Turquoise to one of the others, then she returned, trying to hide her excitement. I rolled my eyes. I guess she had a right to be excited. We hadn't been able to be intimate since before I became pregnant with Turquoise.

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