Chapter 6: Sick

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I woke up from another dream. It wasn't the same this time. I was let out of the darkness, and in my arms was a person. She was small and had beautiful eyes. I fell in love immediately. I was confused when I woke up. I didn't know what it meant. Peridot was still asleep, as usual. I sat up and leaned against the headboard of the bed. I had a bad headache. I sighed. I didn't understand why my body was acting up. It had been like this for a week. I tried to move myself to get out of bed, but then I began to feel nauseated. I covered my mouth. This wasn't good. I felt really, really queasy. I made myself get out of bed and quickly ran to the bathroom, where my legs collapsed right as I ran inside. I leaned over the toilet and began to cough. My nausea caught up with me, and I threw up. I fell back onto the cold bathroom floor and sniffled. I felt terrible. I felt so sick. I began to sob in pain. I hated this. I heard the loud crashes of Peridot rushing towards me and bumping into walls on the way. She ran into the bathroom, her expression crazed.

"Lapis!" She cried. "What happened?!"

"I-I threw up," I answered.

"Oh my stars," Peridot said. "You need to get in bed!"

She carefully picked me up and carried me back to the bedroom. I sunk my head into my pillow and sniffled. I felt absolutely terrible.

"I'm getting a bowl for you," Peridot said. "If you need to throw up, do that in the bowl."

I nodded as Peridot ran out of the room. She quickly returned with a large metal bowl.

"Here," she said, placing the bowl on the nightstand. "Do you need something to eat?"

"I'm worried that I'll just throw it up," I responded.

"It'll be okay," Peridot said. "You need to get something to eat and probably something to drink too. Do you have a fever?"

"I don't know," I answered.

Peridot pressed her lips against my forehead for a few seconds, and then she pulled away.

"You don't feel any warmer than you usually feel," she said. "I don't think you have a fever."

"That's good," I responded.

"We won't have to worry about dehydration then," Peridot said. "What do you want for breakfast?"

I thought for a second. I wasn't quite sure. Then it came to me.

"I want spaghetti," I said.

Peridot stared at me with her eyes narrowed. "Spaghetti?" She asked.

"Yes," I answered.

"For breakfast?" Peridot asked.

I looked around. "Yes," I answered.

Peridot stayed silent for a second. "You want spaghetti for breakfast," she said.

"Yes," I replied.

She shrugged. "Alright. I'll make spaghetti," she said.

Peridot kissed me in between the eyes and walked away to make my strange request of a breakfast. I hadn't understood my cravings for the past week. Every meal I asked for was different, and it was always a strange one. I also didn't understand how Peridot hadn't gotten used to it just yet.

Peridot soon returned with a bowl of spaghetti. She placed it on my lap and gave me a fork to eat it.

"Here you go," she said. "Spaghetti for the human."

"For the human?" I asked.

"My favorite human." She kissed my head.

"Thanks for taking care of me," I said, carefully eating some of my breakfast.

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