Chapter 33: Story

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I woke up, remembering the comfy bed I was lying in. I had finally been allowed to come home, and it was great. Peridot's and my bed was so much more comfy than the one I had to stay in at Yellow's house. I looked over at Peridot, who was fast asleep, breathing audibly. Turquoise was laying on her chest, wide awake. She looked over at me and reached towards me when she noticed I was awake. I took her and held her close, giving her a good morning kiss.

"You must be hungry, little one," I whispered.

Peridot began to wake up as I was giving Turquoise her breakfast. She rubbed her eyes and looked over at me curiously. I didn't mind. She had seen me like this before, anyway.

"Good morning," she said, smiling at me.

"Good morning," I replied. "Did you sleep well?"

"I did, actually," Peridot answered. "Did Turquoise wake up at all last night? Because if she did, I didn't hear it."

"She surprisingly slept through the night," I said. "I think you may have kept her warm."

"She's our little wolf cub," Peridot responded, kissing Turquoise's head.

When Turquoise was done eating, she looked over at Peridot, inspecting her. I smiled a little. The way she inspected Peridot was the same way Peridot constantly searched my face. It must have been a werewolf thing. Turquoise looked over at me, searching me the same way.

"You're learning, aren't you, baby?" I asked.

Turquoise grabbed my index finger tightly and laid her head on my chest. Her warmth immediately radiated through my shirt, making me much warmer.

"Peridot," I whispered.

"Yes?" Peridot responded, leaning in.

"...I love her," I said. "I love her so, so much. I never knew how much I wanted this."

"Me neither," Peridot replied. "She's so important to me. I never realized how important she would be."

I felt Turquoise swatting at my shirt. Every time her hand came into contact with the cloth, I felt her warmth. Werewolves were so strange. It was a kind of strange I liked. I could never go back to the normal world after knowing about them.

"Fifty-fifty chance, huh?" I asked.

"Eh," Peridot responded. "That's actually kind of inaccurate. I learned from Lily when we saw her last year. Imprints have a very high chance of having a werewolf. Lily says she's never seen two imprints not have a werewolf."

"So she was inevitably going to be a wolf all along?" I asked.

"Pretty much," Peridot answered. "I'm gonna have to teach her how to use her powers. They can be very confusing at first, especially when you can't control them."

I looked down at Turquoise, who was still eyeing me. Her teal eyes were glowing like Peridot's did as they inspected every inch of my face. I smiled and took her tiny little hand in mine. Turquoise began to make her little noises in response. Everything about her was just much too adorable. I loved it.

"She seems to find you very intriguing," Peridot said, smiling.

"I don't see why," I responded. "I'm not really that interesting."

"She knows you're different," Peridot said. "She can feel your coolness. She can feel your connection to us."

"...huh?" I asked.

"Wolf thing," Peridot answered. "We're very observant."

" weren't born a wolf," I said.

"My parents weren't imprints," Peridot replied. "I wasn't guaranteed a chance. It was only that day..."

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