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It was nearly winter again. Peridot was in her last month of being nineteen, and I still had a little less than half a year. We were outside to spend some time in the cool weather before it got brutally cold. I was watching Turquoise walk about on the beach, occasionally stumbling over her own feet. She hadn't yet mastered the skill, but she was definitely getting better. Topaz was still with us, and we had to teach her that she couldn't always catch Turquoise before she fell because she had to learn a little bit of pain. She was always happy when we did allow her, though.

Turquoise hobbled over to me and stumbled onto my lap, looking up at me with her adorable teal eyes.

"Hey, honey," I cooed, brushing her hair back with my hand.

"Mama?" She responded in her little squeaky voice.

"Yeah, Mama," I said, smiling at her.

I pulled her onto my lap and kissed her cheek, making her smile.

"I love you, my little werewolf," I cooed.

Turquoise clapped her hands and smiled even more. Peridot tickled her chin to get her attention, so she looked over at her mother curiously. Peridot held her hand and began to praise her improvement on walking.

"You're doing so well!" Peridot exclaimed, grinning in that same crooked form.

"Mama!" Turquoise squeaked.

I adjusted her little headband so it covered her ears. She stared at me curiously as I pulled the headband over her ears. The big blue flower on it stood out against the gray sky, and it really brought out the teal part of her hair. I smiled at her, and she began to giggle. Like Peridot's crooked smile, she had her own special thing in my mind. Her sweet giggle that always made me smile. She really had developed a personality within her first year of life. She was always quite happy, but she was still quite shy. She normally hid her face in my chest out in public.

"What flavor of baby food do you want today?" Peridot asked. "Apple? Carrot? Peas?"

"Appa!" Turquoise squeaked.

I carried her inside with Peridot following behind us. The whole time, Turquoise had her eyes on Peridot. She was now starting to pick up on their similarities. Because of that, she was always watching Peridot to see what she did in different situations.

We walked inside, where I placed Turquoise in her high chair. Peridot got the bowl of tan mush for her and put it on the tray. It seemed like within a few seconds, it was all over Turquoise's face and hands. A bath was inevitable now.

Turquoise was surprisingly cooperative in her baths, simply splashing around and playing with her toys while we washed her. She picked up an orca toy that was in the water and lifted it up to her face to examine it. Peridot was washing her body with baby soap at the time, but that didn't stop her at all.

"Fish," she said, looking at me.

"Yeah," I responded, smiling at her. "That's an orca. It's not really a fish." I picked up her goldfish toy and held it close to her face. "This is a fish."

"Fish?" Turquoise asked, pointing to the toy and looking at me again for approval.

"Yes," I answered. "That is a fish."

Her favorite outfit at the time was a little gray hoodie that had wolf ears on it. I found that adorable. She always ran around the house with her little wolf ears flapping about. It only got better when Topaz came into the house from a recent meal, and Turquoise would go rushing toward her.

I placed Turquoise down in front of the door so she could easily reach her friend, who was waiting for her to walk to her.

"Hey, Turquoise," Topaz said, getting down on one knee and holding her arms out to the baby.

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