Chapter 9: Punishment

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"I hope I didn't make you two feel like I'm going to go easy on you."

I opened my eyes. The punishment was coming. It was coming hard, too. Peridot looked up at her mom, appearing expressionless.

"Dang it," she said. "I wish your parents got you in trouble."

"We were in college, and we were married," Yellow responded. "It was different."

"You were married in college?!" Peridot asked.

"It was kind of a spiteful decision," Yellow said.

"This isn't any different!" Peridot cried. "She's my imprint! We're practically destined to be married!"

"It's different because you two are still children," Yellow said. "Don't deny it. Neither of you have graduated from high school."

"She's right," I replied. "We did break the rules...we deserve it. I deserve it the most, though. I'm the one that let her do it."

"No, no," Peridot said. "It's my fault. I'm the one who even did it in the first place. Then I did it again when I wasn't even being affected by mating season!"

"You both did it," Yellow responded. "From what it sounds like, you both wanted it, and you both did it. Therefore, you're both guilty by association, and you're both getting in trouble for an equal amount of time."

"What's the p-punishment?" I asked.

"Your father will be here in a few minutes," Yellow replied. "You'll know when he and I discuss."

Peridot sighed. "What are we going to do with the baby?" She asked. "Are we supposed to keep her?"

"Are you insane?!" I shouted.

Peridot backed up, appearing to be nervous. She held her hands up.

"I-I was just—"

"You act like I'm going to get rid of her!"

Peridot put her hands down slowly. "You w-want to keep her?" She asked.

"Yes," I replied. "She's the result of you and I, and I love you to the death! This is our baby! Not some random person's baby. Our baby. I love her."

"You're really keeping her because you love me?" Peridot asked. "A-and she's from the both of us...s-so you love her?"

"You're my everything, Peridot," I said. "You're my dream lover. My best werewolf friend. I wouldn't want this with anyone else."

"What about the morning sickness?" Peridot asked.

"I can handle that," I answered. "I'm going through with this. There's no turning back."

"I sometimes wonder how I ended up with someone so dedicated and loving," Peridot said.

"It's because of me," Yellow replied, walking to the door. "You ended up imprinting on a girl because you had two moms."

"I've always wondered about that," Peridot said.

Yellow opened the door. There was my dad. I clung to Peridot. The punishment was coming. Dad walked inside with Yellow, who let him sit down on the couch. I sat down in one of the living room chairs with Peridot, and a Yellow sat in the other one.

"What's the big idea?" Dad asked. "These two are home early, and, apparently, there's an emergency. What's going on?"

"H-hi Dad," I said.

"Hey, Lapis," Dad replied, smiling.

"Would you two like to tell him?" Yellow asked.

"Not really," Peridot said. I quickly elbowed her in the side. "Y-yes."

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