Chapter 15: Forever

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I looked down at my stomach. There is was, shown very well by the tight dress my dad made me wear. I had wanted to wear a baggy sweatshirt, but Dad said it was not the time. It was my birthday. I should have been able to choose. A baggy sweatshirt would have been great, as my stomach was showing quite a bit more than it was the month before. I sighed. It would be fine. All the wolves knew, and, surprisingly, they weren't very immature about the situation. It seemed like they understood how grave it was, so they didn't poke fun at it.

"Ready to go?" Dad asked, walking in.

"I think so," I answered.

"You look beautiful," Dad said.

"Thank you," I responded. "I tried to make myself look nice, but the baby's limiting me."

"Aw, you still look nice," Dad said. "Imagine if she knew how nice she looked with that dress you put on."

I rolled my eyes. I looked down at my stomach again. I wonder what she would do if she could see.

"Imagine what Peridot will say when she sees you," Dad said. "She never has anything but nice things to say to you."

"Yeah, she is always really nice," I replied. "I wonder what she'll be wearing. No matter she wears, she's going to look so gorgeous."

"You know," Dad said. "This is the first time I'm actually not minding wearing a suit. I guess it's just a very special day. Can you believe you're eighteen now? That's crazy!"

"I've been waiting for so long," I responded. "Finally, I'm an adult."

"Not quite yet," Dad said. "In a couple of weeks, you'll be an adult. Right now, you're still a kid."

"I guess," I replied. "A kid with a kid of my own."

"I wonder what she'll be like," Dad said.

"We think she'll be human," I responded. "I saw her in my dream. She has Peridot's eyes."

"Dreams aren't always accurate, you know," Dad said.

"I know," I replied.

"Alright," Dad said. "Let me brush my hair really quickly. Then we can go."

I walked downstairs with Dad. He walked away to fix his hair, and I sat down on the couch. I looked down at my stomach again. I wondered what the baby looked like now. I wondered what she could do. She still must have been very small. No matter what she was, I was absolutely positive of one thing. She was going to be beautiful.

"Baby," I whispered. "I love you. You're going to be so pretty when you're born. I know you are."

I wanted a response so badly, but she was still too small to give me any sort of reply. I couldn't wait for the day when I'd be able to feel her move. I would know she was there, alive and healthy. Yellow said that I wouldn't be able to go in for any usual checkups with her because of the chance that she could be a werewolf, and if she were a werewolf, she could be misinterpreted as not being healthy. She had told me that when she was born, her parents had to fight until they convinced the doctors that her high temperature was completely normal. Peridot had once told me that she had never been to an actual doctor since she became a werewolf. All of her checkups were done by Yellow herself.

"Ready to go?" Dad asked, walking out of his room.

"Yeah," I answered.

"Are you talking to her again?" Dad asked.

I tucked a strand of hair behind my ear. "I can't help it," I responded.

"Aw," Dad said. "It's nothing to be embarrassed about. Your mom talked to you all the time."

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