Chapter 13: Celebration

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I got into the car and buckled up. Dad sat in the driver's seat. He was wearing a tuxedo. It had been over a year since I last saw him wearing one of those.

"Why did it have to be a fancy party?" He asked.

"Don't ask me," I answered. "My guess is that Peridot wants to dance with me again or something."

"That kid," Dad said.

"She likes making special occasions for me," I responded.

"I can tell," Dad said. "She likes doing that a lot."

"She likes making me feel special," I replied.

"Guess we're going now," Dad said.

We drove down the road. I looked out the window excitedly. I couldn't wait to see Peridot. She was going to be in her own tuxedo. I could already imagine her fiddling with a lime green bow tie. Dad, on the other hand, was never a fan of wearing a tuxedo for anything. Fiddling with his tie was a way of making it slightly more comfortable, not a nervous habit.

We finally arrived at the house. It was nicely decorated with lights. This really was a high-effort party. Dad and I walked to the door and knocked on it. It opened, and Yellow was there.

"Ah, look who it is," she said. "The belle of the ball and her father." She smiled. "Peridot's waiting for you in the living room."

I walked away from Yellow and Dad and walked into the living room. Peridot was there with the other werewolves who were all dressed up in their own tuxedoes and dresses. Peridot immediately stood up when she saw me and smiled.

"Lapis," she said.

"Peridot," I replied.

"May I have this dance?" Peridot asked.

"Yes, you may," I answered.

Peridot took my hand and walked outside with me. It was chilly. I shivered a little bit. Peridot took off her tuxedo jacket and put it on my shoulders to warm me up. I smiled. It was big on me, but it was certainly warm since she had been wearing it.

"Still remember how to dance?" She asked.

"I think so," I answered.

Peridot laid one hand on my waist. I laid my hand on her shoulder. Then she took my other free hand in hers.

"Ready?" She asked.

"If you are," I replied.

"Am I ever not ready for anything?" Peridot asked.

"You weren't ready to be a mom," I answered.

"Okay, let's think realistically," Peridot said. "Did any of us see that coming?"

"Only Yellow," I answered.

"True," Peridot said.

We slowly stepped around the beach. I buried my nose in the crook of Peridot's neck and closed my eyes. She kissed my head and sighed.

"Are you ready?" She asked.

"For dancing?" I replied.

"For the baby," Peridot corrected me.

"I'm not sure," I answered. "I want this with you, I really do, but I'm not sure if I'm really ready for a baby. I wasn't even thinking of having this happen when it did, nor was I planning on actually giving birth since we're..."

"Yeah, I know," Peridot said. "It's alright. I'm sure we'll be okay."

"I just really don't want anything to happen," I responded. "I'm already not very ready, but I would be even less ready if something were to happen to us. I can't do this by myself! I need help!"

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