Chapter 46: The Call

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"Yeah, yeah." I heard the words said and noticed the red face of the person who said them. "I have a hickey. So what?" Peridot turned to her friends, who all shared the same grin. "Is that gonna strain all of our relationships?"

Her tricks hadn't worked for long. In fact, it only took one little slip up for the word to get out. She was holding Turquoise when she had begun to become hungry, and the little baby had pulled on her shirt right in the presence of Smoky. Talk about bad timing.

I exhaled, and I saw my breath immediately turn to frost. It was cold out today, that was for sure. Peridot hadn't been lying when she insisted that I needed the beanie I was wearing over my head. The only good thing I could come up with was that the forest had some sort of remarkable beauty when it was blanketed in snow.

"Here they come." Peridot had wrapped her arm around me and had leaned in so close that the message could have been only for me.

Topaz and Bismuth came tearing across the snow, melting their path into it. This was supposed to be a practice.

"What do you smell?" Peridot shouted above the commotion.

"It works!" Topaz shouted back. "Definitely has her scent, just not quite as strong!"

I suddenly began to shiver. It must have been really cold.

"Alright, I think that's enough for today," Peridot said, her eyes on me. "Let's head back and take a breather. We need one."

Those of us who were sitting up there on that conveniently low tree branch hopped down, and the other two followed. As I was coming down, my wrist scraped against the trunk of the tree.

"Ouch," I grunted, holding my wrist in my other hand.

"Lapis?" Peridot asked quietly.

My wrist was bleeding. Bleeding out onto the snow, and Peridot noticed. Topaz's pupils constricted until they were almost gone, and everything sped up. Topaz was running at me, and Peridot jumped in front of me. That wasn't Topaz, though. I knew it wasn't. That was a monster. The werewolves grabbed her by the arms and held her back. She thrashed and struggled, biting at me like she was trying to eat me alive. That's when I knew it wasn't Topaz. She wouldn't do that.

"Take her to one of your houses," Peridot commanded shakily, holding my bleeding wrist. "Don't take her back until she's under control."

The wolves nodded and took her away. I was escorted back to Yellow's house. At the house, Yellow tended to my scratch, rinsing it in soapy water. Peridot watched the whole time, clearly concerned.

"There," Yellow said, placing the bandage on my cut. "That should do it. Make sure you put some ointment on it every now and then and get a new bandage every twenty-four hours until it closes up, which really shouldn't be long."

"Okay," I responded. "Thank you."

"You're very welcome," Yellow said.

As Peridot and I were walking out of the kitchen, I found myself staring at the bandage on my wrist. That wasn't Topaz. I knew it wasn't.

"...what happened to her?" I asked.

"...she may drink animal blood, but that doesn't mean she's immune to human blood," Peridot answered, sighing. "Especially with a scent as strong as yours. The moment your blood spilled out, she lost control."

"....lost control." The words were barely a whisper.

"...I hate to say it, but all vampires have that potential," Peridot said. "Even the strongest, most controlled can lose that control from one wrong move."

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