Chapter 32: Loving

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According to Yellow, I was going to have to spend a couple of more days in bed. I had to recover before I could go back home. I was always holding Turquoise, and if I wasn't, she was with one of the other people in the house. That wouldn't last long, either. She would always become tired or hungry while someone was holding her.

I was holding her in my arms at that moment. She was quiet, staring up at me and then looking around to examine the room. Her little hand wrapped around my index finger and held onto it with a grip that wouldn't let me escape. Her skin was warm like Peridot's. She really was our little wolf cub.

"Baby," I whispered, holding her close. "I love you...I love you..."

Turquoise sighed quietly, snuggling closer to me. I really did love her. I couldn't wait to bring her home. She would have her own crib to sleep in. Her own toys, her own little mobile. She was going to love it. I knew she was.

"Lapis," Peridot said, peeking into the room.

"Yes?" I responded.

"I'm gonna get some food for us," Peridot said. "Any requests?"

"I'm feeling something spicy," I answered. "None for the baby, though. You're too little for that!" I poked Turquoise's nose, and she made her little noise.

"Do wings sound good?" Peridot asked.

"That sounds great," I answered.

Peridot sped back downstairs to get our food. I was left with the baby again. Peridot had been so busy with Yellow, getting all sorts of advice and information from her. She said that she didn't have the first clue about taking care of a baby. I was fine with spending time with Turquoise. She was always calm with me unless she was hungry. She was staring up at me at that time, looking at every feature on my face. Her eyes were a little crossed. The sight made me giggle. Turquoise then reached toward my face, trying to grab my nose. Her little hand couldn't get far enough. I smiled and leaned in, letting her grab it.

"You're just a precious baby, aren't you?" I whispered.

Turquoise let go of my nose and kept looking around my face. I smiled, pulling her closer to me so her head was on my chest. She held onto my shirt and closed her eyes, seeming to nearly fall asleep.

"How's everything going in there?" Yellow asked, walking into the room.

"Just fine," I answered. "Turquoise has been very calm."

"That's because she's with her mother," Yellow said, walking up to us. "That's all she wants to do right now. Be with you." She gently touched Turquoise's cheek. "Has she taken a nap today?"

"She took one this morning after I fed her," I answered.

"Good," Yellow said. "And I assume she woke you up last night."

"Yeah," I replied. "I slept in this morning because of that."

I felt Turquoise grab my finger again and make a little noise. I looked at her, and she was looking at me again. I leaned in, nuzzling her nose. She made a little noise that made her sound like she was very happy.

"Have you taken care of a baby before?" Yellow asked.

"No," I answered. "Why?"

"You're very good with her," Yellow said. "You're giving her exactly what she needs. A lot of attention."

"She's going to have all the attention for a while," I responded. "She's too cute to ignore."

"May I?" Yellow asked, reaching toward us.

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