Chapter 35: The Return

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That dream stayed in my head. It didn't leave when I woke up once more for the day. Even as I picked Turquoise up, it was on my mind. The dream felt too real. Too real to just be a dream. It had to have been a vision, but what did it mean?

I walked into the living room and sat down on the couch. Turquoise began to cry for her breakfast. I fed her as Peridot walked in with a plate of cinnamon rolls, appearing surprised.

"I didn't realize you'd be awake already," she said. "I was going to give you breakfast in bed."

"Aw," I responded. "That's really nice of you."

Peridot sat down on the couch next to me and set the plate of cinnamon rolls on her lap, letting me take one for myself. The icing on it made it sweet. Perfect.

"You look tired," Peridot said. "You woke up last night, didn't you?"

"Yeah," I answered. "Just a weird dream."

"You've been having a lot of dreams lately." Peridot raised an eyebrow. "Is something going on?"

"I don't know," I answered. "I haven't had this problem since I was pregnant with Turquoise."

" aren't pregnant, are you?" Peridot asked.

"No, no," I answered. "You know we haven't done any of that in a long time."

"Then what could it be?" Peridot asked.

"...maybe I'm just not sleeping enough," I guessed.

"Turquoise does wake you up, doesn't she?" Peridot asked.

"Yeah," I answered. "Maybe I need more sleep."

Turquoise looked over at Peridot curiously, reaching toward her hand. Peridot carefully took it in hers, squeezing it carefully.

"How could someone as precious as this little one be waking you up so much at night?" She asked. "It doesn't seem like she'd want to..."

"She's a baby," I answered. "They have to be fed in the middle of the night."

"...I'm sorry," Peridot said.

"Sorry for what?" I asked.

"I'm the reason you're having to deal with this in the first place," Peridot answered.

"No, you're not," I said. "We agreed to push through this together. It wasn't you, and it wasn't me. It's not one of our faults. It's just something that's going to happen for a while."

"...perhaps," Peridot responded, carefully taking Turquoise from me.

"I can handle it," I said. "Dreams are nothing."

"If you say so," Peridot replied skeptically.

Peridot began to hum a tune to Turquoise, slowly sending her to sleep. I listened to the tune, which I recognized from how many times I had heard her hum it before. She had hummed it to me many times.

"Peridot, you're going to get her off her schedule," I said. "She's not supposed to sleep for another hour or so."

"Oh," Peridot responded. "I can wake her up."

"No..." I said. "Maybe she can sleep just a little bit."

Peridot continued humming to Turquoise until she had fallen asleep in her arms. I smiled. She was so peaceful. Peridot looked up at me, beaming proudly. I couldn't help rolling my eyes.

"So you put the baby to sleep," I said.

"Yes, I did," Peridot responded. "She's fast asleep!"

"I can tell," I said.

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