Chapter 42: Forgiving

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Peridot's protective arm remained in front of me, giving every vampire an obstacle. She was watching every single one of them in complete silence while holding onto me. All she wanted was to get me safe in the house. All I wanted was to be safe in the house. I didn't know how long I had until I was going to be swept up and rushed off to the house. I couldn't get to the house myself without a vampire catching me. It was the only possible path to safety.

"Careful," Peridot whispered. "Don't move. If you move, you'll provoke them."

I stayed quiet and watched Topaz look at each of the vampires. Peridot was still holding onto me, her warm fingers entwined with mine. I never wanted to let go. I was too scared. The moment I let go, I would be killed. I couldn't let go.

"When?" Peridot asked, her eyes following Topaz's movement.

"Not yet," Topaz answered. "They'll all be on your trail."

Peridot ever so slowly began to push me back toward the house. I continued to hold onto her tightly as we got closer and closer. After a few steps, one of the vampires caught onto what was going on and hissed for the others' attention. Then they were flying off of their branches and coming right at us.

"Stay behind me!" Peridot shouted right as Topaz jumped in front of us to block one of the vampires' attacks.

I ducked away from another vampire as she came toward me. They were really coming right for me. They wanted my blood. Since when had four vampires been so much more dangerous than entire armies? It wasn't right. Not at all. To think that Jasper had created them. What did she really have in mind when she was transforming them?

Peridot delivered a blow to an incoming vampire, who didn't seem to take too much of it. Peridot let go of me and tried to take on the vampire with two hands. The vampire wasn't struggling. Not one bit. I saw Topaz taking on two other vampires. The last one was missing. Suddenly, I was being squeezed. I squeaked in surprise and looked down. There was a tree branch wrapped around me. I thrashed and squirmed as I was lifted off of the ground. What in the world was happening?! I noticed the last vampire standing nearby, her hands up in front of her face. She was grinning. She was doing this.

"Help!" I cried, knowing I wouldn't be able to get out of this myself.

Peridot took one step, but Topaz had already started running. She ran up a nearby tree trunk and launched herself onto the branch, effortlessly breaking it apart. It instantly unraveled itself, leaving me in free fall. Topaz was fast enough to get herself back onto the ground and catch me, but now three vampires were on her trail.

"Stay away," Topaz hissed. "This isn't about her. It's about me. I'm your enemy."

"We know you are," one of the vampires—I recalled her name being Spinel—replied. "You're the problem. You have our prize."

"I've never smelled such sweet blood in my life," Jade said, licking her lips.

"Exactly," Spinel hissed. "Why don't you hand your little snack over to us?"

"She's not a snack," Topaz hissed in reply. "She is a human. She is my friend."

"Why would you be friends with a human?" Jade asked tauntingly.

"They're insignificant to us," Moonstone agreed, her stone face nothing but serious. "They are inferior. We are the superior species. We have all ability to end them!"

"But I'm not," Topaz said. "I'm fighting for them because they need my help. Too bad you never learned compassion."

That really set the vampires off. They were up in the air, flying at one target. It wasn't Topaz. It was me. I saw the fright in Topaz's face. That's when I knew it. She couldn't beat them. This wasn't going to end well. Just to my luck, right as it seemed like the end was near, a warm pair of hands ripped me from Topaz's arms, giving her time to get herself free. I held onto Peridot tightly as we stopped by a tree, and she set me down. Fur covered every part of her. Her eyes lit up with green. She was a wolf. I stood at her side with my hand on her back, watching the vampires fearfully. This just didn't look like it was going to end well.

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