Chapter 8: Confessions

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The amount of anxiety I felt while Peridot was rushing us back to her house was unlike anything I'd ever felt. We were running to a place where we were going to get in so much trouble. Part of me didn't want to say anything. This was the right thing to do, though. We had to tell Yellow.

Peridot was acting unlike herself. I knew she still loved me just like before. She was just extremely worried.

We got to the house, where Peridot threw the door open and walked inside. Yellow stared at us judgingly as Peridot placed me on the ground with my bag.

"What's going on?" Yellow asked. "Why are you two home early?"

"A rather big problem came up," Peridot answered.

"A big problem?" Yellow asked. "Did the electricity go out or something?"

"No, it's worse," Peridot replied.

Yellow looked up. "Worse?" She asked. "If it's worse than the electricity going out, that doesn't sound good at all."

"It isn't, really," Peridot said. "It's not good."

"What is it?" Yellow asked, sitting down on a living room chair.

"Well, you see," Peridot began, having us both sit down on the couch. "Lapis and I got to the cabin."

"And the next day was a full moon," I said.

"I hadn't realized that, and, of course, it's February, so I started to feel know," Peridot continued.

"Oh dear," Yellow whispered.

"So then I didn't want to see Peridot suffering like that," I said. "So I told her she could just give into her feelings."

"S-so...we had sex," Peridot added.

"You did what?!" Yellow stood up, her cheeks flaming with anger.

"I'm sorry!" Peridot cried. "Sh-she let me, and I couldn't help it!"

"I'm sorry!" I shouted. "It's my fault!"

Yellow sat back down and sighed. "How many times did you do that?" She asked.

Peridot and I looked at each other. "Th-three times," Peridot answered.

"Three times?!" Yellow shouted.

Peridot nodded. "I'm sorry," she said.

Yellow intertwined her fingers and exhaled through her nose. She was tapping her foot on the ground angrily.

"What is the problem?" She asked. "Why specifically did you two come back here? If you were doing that, I would figure that you two wouldn't want to come back."

"I-I didn't mean to break the rules," Peridot replied.

Yellow sighed again. She appeared to be a little calmer.

"It's alright," she said. "I guess. You two are high schoolers, not quite adults yet. You haven't exactly figured out your responsibility."

"I-I'm sorry," Peridot whispered again.

Peridot looked at me and held my hand. I laid my head on her shoulder. We had to tell her.

"You want to hear the problem, don't you?" Peridot asked.

"Of course I want to hear the problem," Yellow answered.

"So, a few days later..." Peridot began.

"I started getting headaches and having really vivid dreams," I added.

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